Chapter 1021 Uneasy

   As for yourself? I'm afraid I won't even think about getting better in this life!

   This bitch, bitch.

  Emperor Tianyao was trembling with anger, almost blacked out before his eyes and fainted.

   But at this moment, besides being arranged and being called by others, what else can he do?

Emperor Tianyao could only watch his nephews and ministers respectfully show their loyalty and concern to him, and then retired one after another, leaving only Concubine Yu Gui, Zhang Yuanjing, Da Furen Shen and other imperial physicians. them.

   After Xiao Jingyu and the ministers all left, Concubine Yugui subconsciously stood up and relaxed.

  Instantly, there is a feeling of being the master of the house!

  Since the fall of the queen and her son, she has raised her eyebrows, and now she is enjoying this feeling again, which is a different mood.

  There is nothing more satisfying than getting something after losing it!

   For Jade Concubine, this is exactly the feeling.

   "You all go down, this palace wants to accompany the emperor alone and talk to the emperor."

   Concubine Yu glanced at the imperial physicians, her eyes were gentle, and her smile was soft, "Zhang Yuan sentenced the imperial physicians these days, it has been really hard, so let's go down and take a rest."

   Zhang Yuanjuan and Shen Da Furen exchanged glances.

   Just as Xiao Jingyu and the ministers thought, Emperor Tianyao was the protective umbrella of Concubine Yu, especially when Xiao Jingye's whereabouts were unknown, Concubine Yu would never do anything to Emperor Tianyao.

   Courtyard Zhang bowed his hands in judgment: "Yes, thank Niangniang for being sympathetic."

  When Emperor Tianyao saw this, he was filled with resentment and anger, and glared at Concubine Yugui, but he was completely powerless to stop it.

   He could only helplessly watch Zhang Yuan and the three imperial physicians retire.

  The imperial physicians all retired, and it was much easier to order the palace maids and eunuchs.

   Concubine Yu just opened her mouth and screened back, who would dare not listen?

   Even Little Eunuch Lu, who was never far from Emperor Tianyao's side, had to retreat far away.

   Concubine Yu met Emperor Tianyao's eyes and sneered: "Your Majesty, rest well, my concubine will take good care of you. In any case, I will take care of Yeer's safe return."

  Emperor Tianyao was drooling, gasping for breath, his eyes became more and more fierce and glaring at Concubine Yugui.

   It's just that the fierce look in his eyes and the stiff expression with the crooked mouth and slanted eyes are greatly reduced.

   Instead of making people feel fierce, it makes people feel funny.

   Imperial Concubine Yu looked away in disgust and didn't wipe him at all, it was simply disgusting!

   She got up and turned around: "Chen and concubine also have to take a good rest, the emperor should rest too!"

   Originally, she wanted to ridicule and ridicule Tian Yaodi, but seeing how dirty he looked, she didn't want to take a second look.

  Emperor Tian Yao was so angry that his eyes darkened, and he finally passed out successfully.

   It's just, now that he fainted and couldn't make any movement, no one knew at all.

   Yu Guifei was lying on the soft couch, relaxed and closed her eyes, thinking nervously in her mind.

   She couldn't help begging secretly, no matter what, her son must come back. The emperor looks like this now, as long as her son comes back, he will definitely be able to become the emperor, he will definitely be able to! The premise is that he has to come back

   She couldn't help but think of Queen Fu again.

  Thinking of Empress Fu, Concubine Yugui was in a bad mood.

   subconsciously felt a burst of panic and panic.

   She is in the light, and Queen Fu is in the dark. She has no idea how much power Queen Fu has in the dark, and how many pairs of eyes staring at her in the dark.

   (end of this chapter)

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