Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 1037: How dare he humiliate him in front of his face

   Chapter 1037 How dare he humiliate him in front of him

   Fake, must be fake! It must be Xiao Jingyu who lied to him and wanted to **** him off!

   He never thought about getting better at this moment, otherwise he would definitely jump up and kill Xiao Jingyu, this bastard!

  How dare he humiliate him in front of his face!

"Could it be that Uncle Huang thought I was lying to you?" Xiao Jingyu smiled helplessly: "Uncle Huang, who would dare to lie about such a thing? If it is not true, then I lied to you like this, and others won't believe it, so what's the point? Yu? The imperial concubine has been sent back to Yilan Palace by the courtiers after discussing it with this king, because she is no longer worthy to stay by your side to serve you."

   "As for Xiao Jingye, the one who rescued him was the trusted guard sent by his father, and the people of the court kept chasing him to the border."

  I wasn't in a hurry anyway, Xiao Jingyu told Tianyao Emperor what happened.

   "These words came back from the North, and many people have heard them. Now they have spread all over the world, Uncle Huang, this is true!"

"The reason why no one dares to tell you is because you are afraid that you will be unbearable and angry. But sooner or later, you have to know about this matter, so this king has to tell you slowly. Now, do you understand what's going on? "

  Tian Yaodi was short of breath, and his throat began to snort like a bellows, and stared at Xiao Jingyu viciously, his eyes were extremely bitter.

   He was cold all over, trembling with anger, wishing to faint again.

   No man can stand this kind of humiliation, especially when he is the king of a country.

   At this moment, he already believed what Xiao Jingyu said.

   Xiao Jingyu is right, if this is not true, he would not dare to arrange and make things in front of him. Because he doesn't gain anything by doing so.

   There is also Concubine Yu, if it is not really shameless to stay by his side, it is absolutely impossible for that **** to leave the Qianqing Palace at this time.

Xiao Jingye. The appearance of that bastard, when I think about it now, now that I think about it, really has nothing to do with myself, those gray-brown eyes, that nose that is taller than the Daqin people, those are not too obvious, but they are also visible. Everything confirms Xiao Jingyu's words.

  Emperor Tianyao only hated himself why he learned about this under the current circumstances!

"Uncle Huang should understand, right?" Xiao Jingyu stared at him, his tone gradually turned cold: "In this world, whether you agree or not, it can only belong to this king! Uncle Huang, you have to hold it tightly in your hand and cover it up. Let the world laugh at it, or let it go generously, you think!"

"This king is not as filthy as you, and will never kill you, even though, this king's mother was forced to death by you! But this king will not kill you, because you are the emperor of Daqin after all. Just live like this. !"

   Xiao Jingyu squeezed the palm of his hand, a tingling pain, and his heart was also unspeakable.

   "Just live like this, live to see this country return to my hands!"

   This will make him more uncomfortable than killing him!

  Emperor Tianyao really couldn't stand the excitement, and he began to gasp again, "Ahhh", his eyes glaring at Xiao Jingyu with resentment.

   But what threat does he have to Xiao Jingyu now?

   "Think slowly by yourself, this king is not in a hurry at all, you can figure it out whenever you want."

   Xiao Jingyu's tone was light and calm: "This king can afford to wait!"

  This world is now under his control, what is he anxious about?

   It is not a bad thing to see Emperor Tianyao tangled and tormented every day, like a stinger in his throat.

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   (end of this chapter)

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