Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 1038: unwilling

   Chapter 1038 Unwilling

   Xiao Jingyu walked away, but Emperor Tianyao was in a hurry and widened his eyes all night.

   He suddenly felt, what's the point of him living like this? Might as well just die! So dead, how many times are invisible, and will not let Xiao Jingyu, this bastard, be half-dead with anger.

   He is not reconciled

   But there is nothing I can do!

  Many things that were originally incomprehensible, at this stage, seem to be empowering.

   However, if you figure it out, it’s better to not figure it out!

The more    figured it out, the more angry and remorseful, the blood almost didn’t come out!

   Xiao Jingyu, he underestimated him! If it wasn't for him, his son wouldn't be in this situation, and he wouldn't be in this situation! But what's the use of talking about this now?

In the cold palace, Queen Fu also got the news that Xiao Jingyu sent someone to inform her.

  Xiao Jingye is not the son of Emperor Tianyao, Yu Guifei is finished.

  After Empress Fu laughed, she was dazed with heartache!

   She smiled miserably, Xiao Jingye and the Meng family were also finished, Xiao Jinghuai fell into Xiao Jingyu's hands, she was in the cold palace, what else could she do?

   It is no longer qualified to stir up the storm!

   This world is destined to fall into Xiao Jingyu's hands.

   went round and round and returned to the original trajectory.

   "God's Will, this is God's Will" Empress Fu murmured, her eyes were dull, her face was ashen, as if she had been drained of all the spiritual energy at once, and she seemed to be ten years older overnight.

   The oil is exhausted.

   At this time, she really looks like a woman who has been beaten into a cold palace and is desperate in body and mind.

  The next day, when Xiao Jingyu and the courtiers appeared in the palace of Qianqing Palace, the high-ranking and detached clan old prince warmly and softly proposed to Emperor Tianyao to establish Xiao Jingyu as the prince.

  Everyone knows that His Royal Highness the King of War has told the Emperor the truth slowly yesterday. Naturally, no one will mention it at this time, but everyone knows it well.

  The reason why Xiao Jingyu was set up as the crown prince is because the emperor has no heirs to succeed the throne, and the country cannot live without a king for a day, and His Royal Highness the King of War needs a legitimate identity.

  Emperor Tianyao's expression was indifferent, his face was expressionless, and he was not even a little excited, which meant that he had acquiesced.

  Some ministers have guesses in their hearts, and feel that the emperor's attitude is too peaceful. You must know that the emperor's temperament is not like this.

   But even so, so what?

   This world is a sure thing, it is destined to belong to His Royal Highness the King of War!

   Now he is a prince, but he already holds the power of an emperor. When the emperor dies, it is logical that he will be the emperor.

  Emperor Tian Yaodi's reaction was peaceful, which was great, everyone secretly breathed a sigh of relief, it would be great if this matter could be resolved smoothly.

  No one wants to make waves, and they can't afford it!

  Emperor Tianyao watched the group leave contentedly, filled with resentment, but he could only watch.

   Of course he could react violently to object, but what's the use? Even if he objected, he knew that the power had already fallen into Xiao Jingyu's hands.

   If Xiao Jingyu gets angry and retaliates, he is afraid that he will suffer.

   The more he thought about it, the more uneasy Tianyao Emperor became, angry, unwilling and uneasy, his heart seemed to be suffering and struggling in hell.

   In the end, he was still selfish and afraid of death.

   Save others with oneself, the heart of the villain is nothing more.

   Xiao Jingyu will never become a person like him, and will never deliberately humiliate a person who cannot move.

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   (end of this chapter)

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