Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 310: He is from the Xiao family.

   Chapter 310 He is a member of the Xiao family

   With the understanding of the two worlds, she believes in his character and believes that he is definitely a man who can rely on for life.

   In his last life, he was a famous golden bachelor in the capital. He never heard of him marrying until he passed away. She never thought that he would like her in this life.

   But he happened to belong to the Xiao family.

   In this life, she doesn't want to have anything to do with the people of the Xiao family, and she doesn't want to enter the Xiao family again.

   "How are you? Did, did you get hurt somewhere?"

  The man's concerned and anxious voice came, and Shen Liangwei's heart was even more sour, and there was some dull pain.

   Without warning, a layer of water mist formed in her eyes. She lowered her eyes and blinked, not making the water mist obvious.

   "I-I'm fine," Shen Liangwei forced a smile and shook her head: "Thank you, Your Highness."

  's eyes swept over inadvertently, Shen Liangwei's face changed slightly, and he said hurriedly: "You, your arm is bleeding, you are injured!"

   Xiao Jingyu's left arm was cut with a thorn by a hook, and blood seeped out, staining his light-colored sleeves red. It was clearly himself who was cut by the thorn and saw blood, but he didn't even notice it. Instead, he was nervous and only cared about himself.

  Why did he want to be so nice to her

  Xiao Jingyu was overjoyed when she saw that she cared about him, and hurriedly said: "I'm a big man, but I'm just a light cut. What kind of injury is this?"

  Shen Liangwei felt guilty, "I've seen blood, where is it not hurt? Does it hurt?"

   She hurriedly took out the handkerchief from her bosom, "Do you have any bleeding medicine with you? I'll wrap it up for you!"

  Xiao Jingyu was afraid that she would feel sorry for her. She originally wanted to insist that it was fine and that it didn't hurt at all, but she actually wanted to bandage herself. This, this must not be missed.

   So he took out a small porcelain bottle of hemostatic medicine from his arms with his other hand, and smiled: "Then I'll trouble you, although the wound really doesn't hurt, but you're right, it's better to deal with it."

  Shen Liangwei took the small porcelain bottle from his hand, seeing his eyes light up, the corners of his mouth could not be restrained upwards, as if he was in a very good mood and very happy, he couldn't help but be inexplicable.

She lowered her head and carefully sprinkled the medicinal powder on his wound, carefully bandaging it with a handkerchief, she suddenly felt blessed, and suddenly realized that he was so happy for some reason, and the heat that had just dropped on her pretty face "rubbed" again. Go up, flushed with embarrassment.

   This man, this man.

   Fortunately, Xiao Jingyu has no experience in this area. Seeing her flushed cheeks and shy expression, she didn't think of anything else, she just thought she was embarrassed for helping her bandage her wound.

   Hmm. Lonely, she is a good girl who is innocent and serious. It is normal to feel embarrassed.

  It is obvious that it can be done in three or two strokes, but Shen Liangwei's hand has a lot of ideas of her own.

   She finally breathed a sigh of relief, almost sweating on her forehead!

   Xiao Jingyu didn't think it was too long at all. On the contrary, he felt a pity after finishing the dressing: Why so fast?

   As soon as she raised her eyes, she met his deep eyes with a deep smile, and the hoarse voice of "Thank you, Second Miss Shen!", Shen Liangwei's face turned even redder.

   She dared not look him in the eyes, and whispered: "Let's go quickly, this place is empty, in case anyone sees it"

   (end of this chapter)

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