Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 311: Coincidence?

   Chapter 311 Coincidence?

  If anyone sees it, it will be miserable!

   When talking about "people", she subconsciously remembered the movement of the pair of wild mandarin ducks in the room, and Shen Liangwei felt even more embarrassed

   Xiao Jingyu nodded: "Well, let's go."

   comforted Shen Liangwei and said, "Don't worry, there are very few people in this garden. Even if they are seen, they don't know us. I will knock her out."

  Shen Liangwei: "." She wanted to laugh, yes, yes, lord, you are mighty!

   Although Shen Liangwei's body has recovered, she is still a little nervous and weak for some reason. She walks deep and shallow, and she has to stumble.

   Xiao Jingyu really wanted to pick her up again, but seeing her tense expression, he didn't dare to say this abruptly, so he took her by the hand and steadily pulled her to the back garden.

  His palm was broad and strong, with rough thin calluses, her slender and tender hand was held in his palm, in addition to the warmth, it inexplicably made her feel at ease.

   This kind of reassurance is unreasonable, but it makes her instinctively willing to give all the trust.

  Shen Liangwei felt even more sad in her heart. It turned out that before she knew it, she had already put him in her heart.

   Xiao Jingyu took her under the high wall of Zhuangzi, and smiled softly: "Miss Shen, I have offended you."

   He embraced her waist, jumped up the wall with a slight jump, and landed firmly outside the wall between the ups and downs.

  The two of them finally left the plum blossom garden and were safe.

   Xiao Jingyu said: "Let's go, this king will arrange for you to go home, let's talk about it on the way."

   He was actually a little regretful that he sent her home so quickly. But she can't delay for too long, otherwise, Wan Wan's rumors will be unpleasant.

   A girl he loves so much will never allow her to be hurt by foul language.

Shen Liangwei's feet didn't move, Qing Lingling's black eyes were clear and clean, she looked at him and said, "This time, the lord has already saved and helped me several times. I dare to ask the lord, every time this is a coincidence. ?"

   Xiao Jingyu was startled.

   Coincidence? If he said it was a coincidence, wouldn't he even believe it himself?

   He didn't expect her to ask him this question so calmly.

   However, when she visited Meiyuan and was shocked by horses, she even told herself, an outsider, about the murder of Princess Yihe and the eldest daughter. It doesn't seem so strange that she would be so outspoken now.

   Does this mean that in her eyes, he is at least a magnanimous gentleman who can be trusted by his personal character?

  Think about how Xiao Jingyu is still a little happy.

"No." Xiao Jingyu didn't have the embarrassment to tell such a lie that was obviously a lie, so he could only choose to tell the truth: "It was a real accident that time when I was shocked. I'll follow in secret. I'm not malicious, you—don't be mad!"

   Shen Liangwei's heart is even more complicated, she knows

   "Why? Your lord shouldn't be so busy, right?"

   Xiao Jingyu thought it was for you! In order to give you a secret glance every time you go out, and to help you when you are in trouble.

   But where can he say that?

  It's too much to say!

"This king, this king naturally has reasons for this king," Xiao Jingyu said with a knot in his tongue and stammered for half a sentence, and then he managed to slip through it. , this king has absolutely no malicious intentions. When the right time comes, this king will naturally tell the second lady why."

   (end of this chapter)

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