Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 343: This gap, Mrs. Shen refused to accept

   Chapter 343 Mrs. Shen refuses to accept this gap

   Mrs. Shen was unwilling, crying bitterly as if her heart had been plucked, and resolutely opposed it.

   Her daughter was originally intended to be the concubine of King Yong, and she was in love with His Royal Highness King Yong.

   His Royal Highness King Yong is the direct son of the middle palace, and it is very likely that she will be on the ninth five in the future. At that time, her daughter will rise and become a concubine in the palace.

  If you have a prince, maybe you will become the prince's mother.

   This is such a golden road with a bright future and a bright future. Can marrying an ordinary family be compared to this?

   This kind of gap is absolutely unacceptable to Mrs. Shen!

More importantly, she can't bear children at her age, and her son has become like that again. She can only hope that her daughter will be favored by King Yong to turn over, otherwise, when her husband has a son born by her aunt, where will she be in the second room? A place to stay?

Mrs. Shen's two fists were invincible with four hands, so she was forced to tell the truth. In order to increase the bargaining power, she must have added fuel to it. She vowed to express how much King Yong Xiao Jingyu liked and valued her daughter, and said that everyone knew about King Yong. What's the matter with the marriage with the Princess Qingrou, so it is impossible for the Princess Qingrou to win the heart of King Yong, and her daughter has a better chance.

   Mr. Shen and Mrs. Shen looked at each other, dumbfounded.

  What is the second room doing?

   Mr. Shen was about to speak, but asked Mrs. Shen to kick and winked to stop him.

   Didn't you see that the second master's eyes started to light up when he heard these words? So, even if you speak up, do you really think people will listen? Save it.

   That is someone's daughter, they can do whatever they want

   Mrs. Shen only rejoiced in her heart. Fortunately, her husband and wife and their two sons had the ability to stand up. Shen Liangrong's incident did not affect the big room.

   When something happened to her, it was unexpected bad luck. It's true that there are people who are envious and jealous of them on weekdays, but most people are still rational, and that's enough.

   As for those sour people, they didn't go all the way, naturally it was what they liked, who would care?

   Besides, Mrs. Shen never thought of letting her daughter marry into a prestigious family.

   Mr. Shen Er heard what Mrs. Shen Er said and was so angry that he wanted to hit someone, "Why didn't you say it earlier?"

   Now that this kind of thing has happened, is His Royal Highness King Yong still willing to ask Shen Liangrong?

   The family is the son-in-law of the middle palace, what kind of woman do you want as a concubine? Do you have to have her?

   However, since there is an old love, if you don't try it, don't talk about Mrs. Shen, even he is not reconciled.

   This matter is settled for the time being.

   Mrs. Shen went back, and she couldn't help but complain to Shen Liangwei, bluntly saying that the second room was really unclear and self-righteous.

  I know it is self-defeating, but I have to do it

   Shen Liangwei moved in her heart.

   The scourge of Shen Liangrong, since she has such a good relationship with Princess Qingrou, it would be good to be sisters with Princess Qingrou.

  The two of them love and kill each other every day, which saves them from harming others.

   Didn't Xiao Jinghuai want to marry a girl from the Shen family wholeheartedly? Why don't you marry Shen Liangrong back?

So, Shen Liangrong went out in a low-key way that day, and was about to go to the Yong Palace to find Xiao Jinghuai crying and begging him to fulfill his promise, when she snuck off the carriage at the back alley of the Yong Palace, a child ran over and handed her a letter. Saying it was the messenger fulfilled her wish

   (end of this chapter)

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