Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 344: What is said in the letter actually makes sense.

  Chapter 344 What the letter said is actually quite reasonable

   Shen Liangrong froze in her heart after reading the letter, her knuckles turning white while holding the letter, her footsteps sank unconsciously, and she could no longer step forward.

   She had to admit that what was said in this letter actually made sense.

  She went looking for King Yong like this, but there was no good result.

  The desolate and astringent taste slowly and slowly filled her heart, yes, in her current situation, she has no reputation, and she has become a laughing stock in everyone's eyes. Does His Royal Highness King Yong want to lose face? How could he still want him?

   In fact, the reason why she appeared here today is just a one-tenth of a thousand hope.

  Because this is the only chance she can fight for a way out!

   Even if it was just a light straw, she was looking forward to pulling her ashore before she tried it.

   She doesn't want to marry away from Beijing, and she doesn't want to marry a "good family" or "to live a normal life!"

   Her life should not be like this!

   She should be radiant, she should enjoy all the glory, wealth, and love.

   Taking a deep look at the tall and indifferent courtyard wall of Prince Yong's Mansion, Shen Liangrong turned around without hesitation, got on the carriage, and went to - Prince Qi's Mansion!

   She wants to achieve her wish, only King Qi can help her.

  Because King Qi definitely wants to see King Yong's joke, as long as she becomes King Yong's side concubine, King Qi will of course see it as a joke.

   She knew that her Royal Highness Prince Yong would definitely be unhappy when she entered the palace of King Yong in this way, but she had no choice. Now she only wanted to enter the palace of King Yong and ask for something else.

   His Royal Highness King Yong has affection for her after all, doesn't he? When she entered the Yong Palace, and after a long time seeing people's hearts, His Highness would always understand her intentions and would always forgive her.

   Besides, she was the victim, it wasn't her who did the wrong thing

  Your Highness is such a good person, he will understand.

   Full of twisted hopes, Shen Liangrong in despair has gone crazy and desperate!

   On this day, King Qi held a summer banquet in the Purple Bamboo Forest outside the East City, and invited many noble children of princes, including Xiao Jingyu and Xiao Jinghuai, to have a fun together.

Xiao Jinghuai has had a lot of troubles recently, and his father still doesn't like seeing him very much. Xiao Jingye made his errands for him unintentionally or not. He finally returned to the house and wanted to be clean and relaxed. Like a mad woman entangled and noisy.

   This internal and external attack made him burnt and exhausted.

   Today Xiao Jingye held a banquet, and he came without hesitation, thinking that it would be better to relax.

   Feeling gloomy in his heart, when others persuaded him to drink, he had to drink a few more glasses, not to mention that Xiao Jingye had already secretly manipulated his wine glass. Therefore, Xiao Jinghuai, who refused to come, became half-drunk in a short time.

  This place is a natural scenery in the wild, and there is no room to rest. Originally, everyone came here to gather, that is, to chat, talk, and enjoy the scenery, and they didn’t come here for drinks.

Xiao Jinghuai only then came to his senses. He seemed to be inattentive, as if he had drank a little too much. With a slight movement, he felt a little irritable, and he didn't want people to see him in a drunken state, so he insisted. With a graceful smile, he pleaded guilty, saying that he wanted to go for a walk alone, but everyone who was interested did not ask much.

   Everyone knows that the high-spirited Highness King Yong has been in bad luck recently, and he is in a bad mood. Who has the courage to provoke him?

   (end of this chapter)

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