Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 353: Who told her to do it herself?

   Chapter 353 Who told her to do it herself?

   Especially Shen Liangrong, the whole person was stunned.

   Shen Liangwei, she didn't admit it!

  Shen Liangwei's eyes were calm, her expression was calm, and her tone was calmer.

   She looked at the old lady Shen and the second lady Shen, and emphasized again: "I haven't done it before. I don't know why the big sister became like this."

   Shen Liangrong got angry: "It's not you, could it be a ghost?"

  Shen Liangwei: "I don't know about that. Maybe the ghost will take a knife and hurt the big sister's hand."

   She said with her hands but not her face, Shen Liangrong felt a little guilty subconsciously, but she couldn't curse with such words.

  Who told her to do it herself?

   If she dares to say a word, Shen Liangwei will definitely return it to her.

   "It's all nonsense!" Mrs. Shen, who didn't know what their sisters were fighting for, was furious and said to Mrs. Shen, "Mother, listen, listen to what girl Wei is talking about?"

Mrs. Shen said with a dark face: "You still dare not admit it? Could it be that your big sister has wronged you? She was fine, but she became like this when she went to you, what else do you have to say? !"

Shen Liangwei squeezed out a hazy layer of water vapor in her eyes, and said aggrieved: "She went to my place to talk, and she was fine when she left. How do I know how it became like this? I'm also surprised, she has always been fine. , how did it become like this when you went to my place? It even got into trouble with my grandmother! I, I don't know where I offended the big sister, and let the big sister wrong me like this, woo woo woo "

   Shen Liangrong was so angry that she almost fainted: "I didn't wrong you! How dare you say you didn't hit me?"

"Then you swear," Shen Liangwei was so aggrieved that she sobbed in her voice: "Then you swear that the wound on your hand was caused by me, if you lie, you will never be favored by His Royal Highness King Yong, and you will never be able to possess it. His heir! You swear!"

   Shen Liangrong's heart was beating violently, her pupils shrank, "Shut up!"

   Mrs. Shen was also annoyed, "Girl Wei, how can you be so vicious! You can say such things!"

   "If eldest sister didn't lie, what are you afraid of swearing? No matter how vicious the oath is, it will never be fulfilled."

   Mrs. Shen was quite unreasonable: "This kind of thing is not good, who can stand it? You shouldn't have said it originally."

However, Shen Liangwei said with tears and grievances: "Since the big sister came back, her personality has changed greatly, like a different person. If I wronged me like this, can't I tell the difference? Yes, the three of us sisters went out at that time, and the three of us and I went out. The younger sisters are all fine, only the eldest sister - but it's not our fault either."

   Mrs. Shen's eyes widened, her heart choked, she was still angry with Liangwei, but she was also a little guilty, and some were suspicious.

   The guilty conscience is that 80% of her daughter's accident was caused by her, and she was suspicious. Even she had to admit that after her daughter came back, her temperament was indeed very different from before, so, so.

   So Shen Liangwei may not really lie.

   Old Shen Furen had a similar idea in her heart.

  It's not surprising to think about it, how could Shen Liangrong's temperament not change after experiencing such a thing? Could it be that she was really resentful, so she blamed Shen Liangwei?

   Shen Liangrong was going crazy and hated it even more.

   The old lady kept saying that she felt sorry for herself and that she was in charge of herself. As a result, Shen Liangwei, the dead girl, was teasing her with a few words, and the old lady hesitated.

   What kind of hurts her? Hypocrisy!

   (end of this chapter)

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