Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 354: It's more majestic than anything

  Chapter 354 What he said is really more grand-sounding than anything else

"What a sharp tongue!" Shen Liangrong cried, "I will soon enter the gate of the Yong Palace, and I will only be better than you in the future. Do I need to be wronged and framed to get revenge on you? You are taking yourself too seriously. What! Why didn't I do anything to the third sister, but rather you? Besides, I hurt myself like this, if I leave any scars, how would the lord like it when he saw it? How could I do such a thing!"

"You, you hurt me, and you are still so quibble, isn't it because you can't see me? Okay, okay, how can I compare to you? How dare I compare with you? Are you satisfied with the Buddha's life?"

   Shen Liangrong cried a lot, and got up from crying and fussing, so she went to find scissors to cut her hair.

   Thinking of her previous tragic experience, she really cried so much.

   Madam Shen's eyelids jumped, and she suddenly came to her senses.

  Rong girl will soon be the concubine of King Yong, and maybe she will be the concubine in the future, or even go further. Her opinion is naturally more important than Shen Liangwei's white-eyed wolf.

   She made up her mind, Old Madam Shen still cares about who is right and who is right, of course, Shen Liangrong is right no matter what.

"Girl Rong is right, how can anyone be so stupid and do it to themselves? Girl Wei, you don't have to argue, don't admit it! Otherwise, don't blame me for teaching you well. Since your mother can't teach you , I have to worry about being a grandmother! I have raised you for so many years, how can I bear to see your beautiful girl's family ruined like this."

   is really more grand-sounding than anything else

   For this result, Shen Liangwei is not at all surprised.

   This grandmother of hers is a mercenary person. She has already seen it in her last life, not to mention this life.

"It's not what I said, it's what I did. I didn't do it, I don't recognize it. The big sister framed me like this, but it was because of jealousy and unwillingness. What is there for the third sister to be jealous of? You can't help it. Harm her. The big sister's temperament has become like this, but it's a bit too left-minded, and you have to change it after you pass the door, otherwise, if one day a slap in the bucket comes out, it's hard to say how long you can enjoy it. "

"Shut up! How dare you make such nonsense!" Old Shen Furen scolded: "You just expect her to be bad? If she is bad, what are you good for? We are all in the same family. You don't understand?"

   "Girl Wei, you are so disappointing! If I don't teach you a lesson today, I can't say it again! Come on—"

   "Are you sure the old lady wants to press her head so hard?" Shen Liangwei stood up slowly and gave Gu Mamma a wink.

  Mammy Gu immediately went out quietly, and after a while, she came in with her grandmother and others. The four maids and the two maids stood behind Shen Liangwei, quite a bit eyeing.

   Mrs. Shen and others: "."

Madam Shen was furious, and just as she was about to open her mouth to question, Shen Liangwei already said, "I really can't bear the kindness of Madam, so I had to bring a few more people to hold back the courage, and ask Madam to be considerate. Sisters insist on their own words, and no one can convince anyone, so why not report it to the officials. I believe that Daqin officials always obey the laws and act impartially, and it is fairest to leave it to the government to deal with it, what do you think?”

   "No way!" Second Mrs. Shen stood up abruptly, furious: "You, what kind of heart do you have!"

   (end of this chapter)

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