Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 370: How can she be angry

   Chapter 370 How can she be angry

   is also difficult for the eldest princess. I don't know how I got a glimpse of this person's true face and hooked up with him in the first place!

   After listening to Princess Yihe and the Minister of the Ministry of Housing, they made fun of the situation, she sighed with some hatred of iron and steel: "That unsatisfactory girl in this palace, a while ago..."

   Shen Liangwei and Xiao Jingyu were both startled, they looked at each other subconsciously, and listened carefully.

   The eldest princess was complaining about the people who moved her in private when Princess Qingrou tried to harm Shen Liangwei a while ago. Those people all went back and forth, causing her to lose another group of confidants.

  The emperor was very suspicious. Even if she was just a princess, she would not dare to raise too many subordinates. Otherwise, if it were passed on to the emperor, and her life and death were all on the emperor's shoulders, the end would be miserable.

  However, the people she has been sneaking around and raising hard all these years, have called her unsatisfactory daughter again and again Huo Huo De, and there is almost nothing left.

   How can she not be angry?

   "Don't be angry, princess, this is the end of the matter. If the princess gets angry again, wouldn't it be worth it?" Shangshu Tobu smiled softly and comforted.

The eldest princess Yihe let out a coquettish anger, and said gruffly: "Then you have to help others to let out this nasty anger! That bitch, Ben Gong wants her to die—no, death is too cheap for her, Ben Gong wants her to be ruined and ruined, rather than life. die!"

   The "cheap girl" in Princess Yihe's mouth is naturally Shen Liangwei.

  Although it was her daughter who made a fool of herself to provoke Shen Liangwei, and ended up losing her wife and surrendering, but for a powerful person like Princess Yihe, anyone can be at fault, but she herself is absolutely impossible to be wrong.

   Shen Liangwei didn't stay there well and let her daughter figure it out, so that her daughter was damaged, this is Shen Liangwei's fault!

   Of course she can't bear it!

   However, when she talked about herself, the intense hatred and resentment that seemed to be in her bones still made Shen Liangwei feel a little creepy and shudder.

   She was a little puzzled, and always thought it was a bit absurd.

   It's normal for Princess Yihe to feel unhappy after losing a few people, but as for hating himself so much?

   Xiao Jingyu patted her shoulder lightly as a sign of comfort.

  Shen Liangwei subconsciously tilted her head and smiled at him, feeling a little warm in her heart.

   That's all, she sighed inwardly, what can she do when she encounters such a cautious person? No wonder the princess of Qingrou has such a bad temper. The daring feeling was passed on to her by the eldest princess Yihe.

  I didn't want to, but Shen Liangwei heard Shangshu of the Ministry jokingly laughed: "Well, do you really think so? I thought you would treat that girl differently and be reluctant to hurt her?"

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Princess Yihe screamed like a cat whose tail had been stomped on: "What is she? She's just a **** from a city woman, dirty and lowly, what can she do? Into the eyes of this palace? Why is this palace reluctant to hurt her!"

After hearing this, the Minister of the Ministry was not frightened by her gaffe at all, instead he seemed to be very happy, hahaha and laughed, kissing her while laughing, coaxing in his mouth: "Okay, don't get excited, princess, next. The official said that as a joke. The lower official thought that the princess still remembered Shen Xingzhi to some extent, so she loved Wu and Wu."

  Shen Liangwei was shocked, dizzy and her body fell backwards, her heart seemed to be tightly grasped by a hand, and the pain was so dull that she couldn't breathe.

   (end of this chapter)

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