Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 371: You have the ability, you do it

   Chapter 371 If you have that ability, you can do it

   Xiao Jingyu quickly wrapped her arms around her waist and looked at her worriedly.

   Obviously, he was also shocked by what the Minister of the Ministry of Housing said.

   Seeing that Shen Liangwei's condition was not very good, Xiao Jingyu immediately wanted to take her away, but Shen Liangwei shook her head, smiled reluctantly at him with a white face, and stood up straight.

   Such an opportunity, such an opportunity is too rare, she will continue to listen.

   She suddenly remembered the last life. After the death of her mother in the last life, the errand that her father went to Beijing to do and never came back was exactly what this Minister of the Ministry of Housing recommended. After the death of his father, it seemed that there was a period of time when Princess Yihe looked at her with disgust, and even deliberately provoked right and wrong in front of Xiao Jinghuai, which made her suffer a lot, but at that time she lost her father. Sadness and depression are almost numb, and I don't care too much about the outside world.

   But now that I think about it, it is right.

   Princess Yihe, is she really thinking about her father like this?

She was shocked. Her father and the minister of households Zhang Lian used to have a very good relationship. The two belonged to the same department. In addition, they were both tall and handsome, so they were very dazzling in the capital when they were young. .

   It's just that the two have quite different political opinions, and their father later became the censor of Zuodu, and it is not appropriate to have too close relationship with the ministers in the DPRK and China, so they gradually became estranged.

   Then can she, can she think so? Princess Yihe couldn't get her to court her father, so she caught sight of the friends around her father, so she became what she is now.

  Shen Liangwei bit her lip secretly, so the death of her father in the last life was definitely not an accident, it was definitely related to the Minister of the Ministry of Housing, maybe it was also related to the eldest princess.

Inside, the Minister of the Ministry of Household was still laughing and comforting the eldest princess Yihe, and the eldest princess Yihe scolded and vented angrily, and then asked him to kiss and stroking to soften his body, and only then did he reluctantly calm down, and said viciously: "Anyway, that **** Girl, this palace doesn't like her very much! You have thought about it for this palace!"

"Okay," Hu Bu Shangshu smiled and said, "Shen Xingzhi is so ignorant to let the princess down. Naturally, his family is not a good person. Why don't you think of a way to clean up their family and give this to the princess. Bad breath?"

   Shen Liangwei clenched her teeth secretly, this pair of dog and man!

   "Huh!" Princess Yihe sneered: "If you have that ability, you can do it?"

  The Minister of the Household choked for a moment, and for a while he forced a smile: "Don't worry, princess, one day, the lower official will take this breath for the princess. There will always be a chance."

   The eldest princess Yihe scoffed, obviously she didn't believe the words of the Minister of the Ministry of Housing at all.

   When the Minister of the Ministry of Housing saw this, he could not help but secretly hate in his heart, secretly saying that one day, he would have to let out this bad breath. He didn't believe it anymore, he couldn't compare to Shen Xingzhi in his life?

  The Minister of the Household knew that he couldn't handle Shen Xing at all, but it was not easy to deal with Shen Liangwei, a little girl.

He changed the subject wisely and said with a chuckle: "For a little girl, there is nothing better than life and death than the loss of innocence and reputation. In three months, it will be the time of autumn hunting. Let's add up. At that time, the lower official will find a lowly manu to do good things with her, and the princess will naturally dissipate any anger in her heart."

   The eldest princess giggled: "Okay, this is a good idea, but you can think about how to arrange it properly. This palace does not allow the slightest mistake."

   (end of this chapter)

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