Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 374: This kindness is really worth it

   Chapter 374 This favor is really worth it

   is useless and may cause trouble, so of course you have to kick the hot potato out.

  So, the patrolling soldiers sent the thief along with the stolen goods to the Shuntian yamen.

   Originally, this kind of theft and theft case should be handled by the Tianfu Yamen.

When the    prefect saw that the thief had stolen so many rare treasures, he was instantly refreshed, okay, this is a credit for himself!

   If it was interrogated and found out from which company the things were brought back, wouldn’t it be a great favor?

Tsk tsk, this thief's vision is really good. These seven or eight items include white jade carvings, jade bowls, famous calligraphy and paintings, high-quality Duan inkstones, high-quality Tian Huangshi seals, and especially a jade pillow that is exquisitely crafted. It is a rare treasure!

   These few things are really not something that ordinary people can have. Who would have lost such a thing, and they should not be distressed to death.

   This kind of favor is really worth it!

  The thief knew that he was unlucky, and after some interrogation, he confessed everything without using punishment. All the things were stolen from the residence of Mr. Zhang, the minister of households.

The minister of households is in short supply, and Master Zhang is a handsome, approachable, fair and stern official who is admired by all the officials in the court. It is learned that these things were stolen from Master Zhang's house. Just to be happy.

   It's rare to have a relationship with Master Zhang on weekdays. This is a great opportunity.

   However, just when they checked whether these items were damaged, they were going to find another wooden box and put it on velvet and tidied it up well before sending it back to Master Zhang, and finally found something wrong.

  This, this, this—this is incredible! I'm dying!

   Among these things, this jade pillow is the most valuable. Even if you don’t understand it, it is a good thing that you can’t buy with money, so everyone must take a good look at it and appreciate it.

  This appreciation, God, God, Buddha, Bodhisattva and Queen Mother! Incredible!

   This jade pillow clearly bears the imprint of the royal family, as well as the imprint of the eldest princess Yihe!

   These people are officials who have been in the capital for many years, and they have never seen or heard about many things in the circle.

  For example, everyone remembers that in those days, the small state of Fanbang in the southwest once paid the emperor an exquisite jade pillow as a tribute. It is said that this pillow is warm in winter and cool in summer, and can also improve sleep quality.

At that time, Princess Yihe's concubine had just died not long ago. The eldest princess fell ill with insomnia and could not sleep well all night. The emperor specially rewarded the eldest princess with the jade pillow to express comfort and concern to the eldest princess. The emperor's benevolent brotherhood and compassionate heart are the blessings of all people.

   Therefore, this matter was once spread all over the capital, and may even be widely spread all over the world, and it was once passed on as a good story. Who knows about the people in the capital? ?

  Then the question is, such a superb and good thing, and it also bears the emperor's brotherly concern for the princess Yihe, it must be something that the princess cherishes very much, how, how, how could it go to the House of Minister of the Ministry of Household?

   And the thief still stole it from the bed in the study of the Minister of the Ministry of Commerce? So creepy!

   In this world, it is absolutely impossible to have a second such precious and rare jade pillow, and even if there is, it is impossible to have the imprint of the royal family and the eldest princess.

   (end of this chapter)

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