Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 375: Omg! This is dying!

   Chapter 375 Oh my god! This is dying!

  If this one is the one of the Eldest Princess Yihe, then, if something so precious as the Eldest Princess Yihe is gone, she doesn't even look for it and doesn't say a word?

   The most awesome is the Minister of the Ministry of Housing, Mr. Zhang. Can't you recognize the conspicuous royal seal and the seal of the eldest princess?

   He even put it on the bed in the study and used it as a pillow? ?

  This, this, what a magical thing!

Everyone is an adult, and they have all experienced things. You look at me, I look at you, and you are all trying to make a dazed expression of "I don't know anything" and "I don't see anything." Like, but my heart is trembling!

   Oh my God! The eldest princess Yihe and the Minister of the Household Zhang, the two of them, actually.

   OMG! This is dying!

The thief's baggage was scattered on the street. The soldiers of Jiucheng Bingma Division and passers-by all saw this jade pillow, and when the Jiucheng Bingma Division handed over the thief and the burden, they also mentioned that there was a burden in the bag. The jade pillow that only looks very precious, let them be careful not to break it.

   This kind of theft case usually allows the people to watch and openly interrogate, in order to play the role of beating, warning and warning, so that everyone can be warned not to do this kind of thing.

   Therefore, when the case was being tried in the hall before, the people watching outside the hall all watched it.

   Everyone knows that the thief stole something from the residence of Mr. Zhang, the Minister of the Ministry of Housing. By the way, those items were also displayed in the court as "swag" at that time, and the jade pillow is undoubtedly the most eye-catching.

  Many people were amazed, chattering and discussing

  To sum up all of these, the meaning is - can't cover it!

   This thing is impossible to cover!

  After all, officials and dignitaries in the DPRK and China all know about the jade pillow. As long as you think about it, what can’t you think of?

   What's more terrible is that this jade pillow - can you send it to Master Zhang like this?

   Isn't it really not to slap an adult in the face by sending it like this?

   Several people looked at each other, and finally looked at Shuntian Fuyi, it goes without saying: Sir, what do you think about this?

Shuntian Fu Yi didn't wait for them to show the expression "Everyone knows it!", he quickly coughed, and said coldly, filled with righteous indignation: "This thief is really bold, and he has stolen so many valuables, and I don't know if there are any. Criminal, have you ever done any more serious cases in the past! Never take it lightly! Our Shuntian Prefecture has limited manpower and limited capabilities. This official believes that the thief and the stolen goods should be sent to Dali Temple, so that Dali Temple can investigate and investigate more carefully. , what do you think?"

   "So good! Your wise man!"

   "That should be the case. Dali Temple is much stronger than our Shuntian Prefecture. I believe they will definitely investigate thoroughly and remove the harm for the people."

   "That's right, it's not too late, let's send people over."


   Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and expressed their agreement, and immediately packed the stolen goods with the thief and sent them to Dali Temple.

   Then, Shuntian Fuyi went out of the city to investigate the case with his subordinates.

   made it clear that after the hot potato was sent out, it was absolutely avoided and refused to be contaminated again.

  After sending the people away, the people in Shuntian Prefecture who were temporarily relaxed couldn't help but open their imaginations, and they all started gossiping in their hearts.

   (end of this chapter)

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