Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 376: look down on who

   Chapter 376 Look down on who

   I really didn’t expect it! Master Zhang looks serious, but he is actually so powerful that he even secretly hooked up with the eldest princess, and even asked the eldest princess to give him such a precious thing, a good method, a good method!

  Hey, it's not right to just say good tactics, Master Zhang is also handsome, and he has this kind of money.

   All in all, people have to admit: it’s amazing, amazing! Can't think of it, really can't think of it

   Let’s talk about Dali Temple, which has always been a place for handling important and serious cases, but any cases transferred from Shuntian Prefecture or the Ministry of Punishment must be no trivial matter.

   Therefore, as soon as Shuntian Prefecture turned the case over, it immediately attracted the attention of the Dali Temple and became nervous.

   Results of the first trial. What's going on? What a burglary!

   Dali Siqing, Shaoqing, Sicheng and others looked at each other, their faces extremely ugly.

   What happened to Shuntian Fuyi? Old man Qin thinks that the head on his neck is too solid and deliberately makes fun of people?

   This kind of **** case has the face to send it to Dali Temple?

   Who do you look down on?

   However, when everyone thought about it again, and gave Shuntian Fu Yi ten more courage, he would never dare to make fun of Dali Temple. There must be something else going on here.

  The jade pillow is so eye-catching that it is difficult to make people not pay attention. Soon, the Shaoqing of Dali Temple stared at the jade pillow and exclaimed, "Ah!"

  The others looked at him one after another and said anxiously, "What did you find?"

   Let’s just say, it turns out that it’s really strange!

   Dali Temple Shaoqing opened his mouth, but did not dare to say anything, and pointed at the jade pillow.

   Everyone looked at the jade pillow in unison. They were a little puzzled before, and then they changed their faces or screamed one by one.

   Everyone looked at each other

  No one is a fool! Now, is there anything else you don't understand?

   "Shuntian Mansion! Oh, Shuntian Mansion!" Dali Si Qing and the others had their minds ripping apart the Shuntian governor. That **** is a misfortune, throwing hot potatoes into their hands.

   However, this matter involves the eldest princess Yihe. After all, the identity of the eldest princess is here, and it is not wrong to say that this case is a "serious case" or a "critical case".

   Shuntianfu Yi was too cunning, but Dali Temple really had to hold her nose to recognize it.

   How can this matter be concealed?

   Not to mention that he has been through so many daoists, he can't hide it at all. Besides, Xiao Jingyu, how could he allow this matter to be concealed?

When the    case was put on trial in Shuntian Prefecture and then handed over to Dali Temple, rumors had spread slowly.

   When you can't cover it from Dali Temple, basically the upper class in the capital knows everything you need to know.

  This jade pillow was given by Emperor Tianyao, how dare the Dali temple minister dare to neglect it? Had to bite the bullet and report to Emperor Tianyao.

   As for whether it will offend the eldest princess Yihe and the Minister of the Household Zhang - Dali Siqing sneered and returned the Minister of Household, after this, it would be fine if the Minister of Household did not behead! As for the eldest princess, she must also fall out of favor. What's so scary about him?

   Dali Temple is just handling the case impartially. This case was transferred from Shuntian Prefecture. Can he not accept it or not handle it?

  What he did was reasonable.

   Emperor Tianyao was really furious!

  Let's talk about Zhang Lian hearing some wind noises, he was shocked and hurried back to the house and hurried straight to the study, only to find that the jade pillow was missing, his heart was half cold, he raised his hand and slapped himself twice in the face, regretting it!

   (end of this chapter)

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