Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 377: So...he did something stupid

   Chapter 377 So. He did something stupid

  Recalling the beginning, he and Shen Xing, the censor of Zuodu, were in the same discipline. The two were equally knowledgeable and knowledgeable.

   But he was slightly inferior in every aspect, and he felt a sense of comparison unknowingly, and he was very dissatisfied.

   Later, he inadvertently discovered that the eldest princess Yihe actually pursued Shen Xingzhi, and was even more jealous and hated.

  Who knew that Shen Xingzhi, when Princess Yihe had just revealed what he meant, and seemed to be hinting at his identity to pursue her, immediately pretended not to know anything, and then applied to leave Beijing to become a local official.

  Shen Xingzhi is a very smart person. He has never thought of marrying a princess. He has his ambitions. After marrying a princess, he can no longer participate in politics. This is definitely not what he wants.

   But Princess Yihe took a fancy to him. If he stayed in the capital, it would be too dangerous. If this layer of window paper was pierced, he would have no choice not to marry.

   And he subconsciously felt that if his mother knew about this, she would happily agree.

Later, Shen Xingzhi took his wife Rong, and the eldest princess Yihe was angry and hated, and she chose a concubine at will to marry. After the marriage, the husband and wife were not in harmony. 's fate.

  Because of Shen Xingzhi's relationship, Zhang Lian subconsciously paid more attention to Princess Yihe, but he was fascinated by her unconsciously.

   just went back and forth like this, and the two hooked up.

  Zhang Lian always felt that even if Princess Yihe was with him, she still couldn't forget Shen Xingzhi, and she was jealous.

   So. He did something stupid!

  Eldest Princess Yihe liked the precious jade pillow given by Emperor Tianyao very much. Zhang Lian stubbornly asked Princess Yihe for it, in order to prove his position in the heart of the eldest princess.

  If the eldest princess is willing to give it to him, it means that she has herself in her heart. If she is not willing, then he can't even hold a pillow in her heart, so why is it sour?

  The eldest princess Yihe was annoyed by him, and she didn't think too much about it when she was in love, and finally gave him the jade pillow.

  Zhang Lian became proud and put the jade pillow on the bed in the study. When he was resting in the study, he used this jade pillow, thinking of the affection of the eldest princess Yihe, with a sense of accomplishment.

  For this reason, when Xiao Jingyu's people quietly broke into his study, they took a fancy to this jade pillow at a glance, which is simply a handle to the door!

   When the confidant secret guard brought the jade pillow in front of Xiao Jingyu, Xiao Jingyu laughed, he did not expect that these two people would be so confused.

  With this jade pillow, these two are doomed!

   Besides, when Zhang Lian found out that the jade pillow was missing, and then thought that the rumors outside were not groundless, he immediately panicked.

   When the case reaches Dali Temple, it must be hidden, the emperor——

   Thinking of the thunderous anger the emperor would be when he found out about this, Zhang Lian was so frightened that he wanted to die.

  Under panic, he hurriedly ran to the palace of Princess Yihe to ask for help.

  Yihe and the eldest princess have not been out for the past two days, so she is unaware of the rumors outside.

   Zhang Lian came to the eldest princess' mansion like this, which made her very unhappy.

   You must know that she has always been respected by people for her "loyalty" outside. If the affair with Zhang Lian spreads out, it will be forever!

   However, before the unhappy Princess Yihe could preach to Zhang Lian, Zhang Lian was already anxiously talking about the jade pillow.

   (end of this chapter)

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