Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 378: Princess Yihe feels like the sky is about to collapse

   Chapter 378 The feeling that the sky is about to collapse, Princess Yihe

The eldest princess Yihe was immediately dizzy, like falling into an ice cellar, she recovered and slapped Zhang Lian's face heavily, scolding bitterly: "If it wasn't for you, this kind of thing wouldn't have happened, and now it's a mess. Something happened, are you satisfied? You, you, Ben Gong will be killed by you!"

   Princess Yihe feels like the sky is about to fall!

   When the news spreads, what will others think of her?

  No, it doesn't matter what others think of her, what matters is, what will the emperor think of her?

   That jade pillow was given to her by the emperor!

  The emperor also praised her for her "loyalty and integrity" several times, but it turned out to be such a mess.

   She still had an unbelievable dreamy trance-like feeling until now. As usual, she was enjoying her glorious and rich life in the princess mansion, and a sudden disaster came from the sky, what is this?

   The eldest princess Yihe was about to despair, and she raised her hand and slapped Zhang Lian's face with a slap in the face: "It's all your fault! It's all your fault!"

  Zhang Lian's head was dizzy for a while, and he ignored the burning pain on his face, and said with a gray and frightened expression: "Princess, what should I do now? What should I do now?"

   He doesn't want to die either!

"What else can I do?" Princess Yihe suppressed her turmoil and sighed softly, gritted her teeth, and said, "Bengong will go into the palace now to ask the emperor. This palace will tell the emperor that this jade pillow was stolen before, and this palace will I was afraid that the emperor would be angry, so I didn't dare to say it, and I only dared to secretly search for you. As for you, if I asked you, you said that your family bought it back not long ago, and you didn't look carefully, so."

   Although this statement is full of loopholes, it is an excuse no matter what. The eldest princess Yihe felt that she still had a good chance of winning, because she knew her royal brother very well. The royal brother wanted face, and he wanted to maintain the dignity of the royal family. As long as she gave her own explanation, she would be able to justify herself, even if it was fake. Help fool the past.

   Royal face is not to be missed!

   As long as the royal brother approves, who would dare to speak up? No one can afford to insult the reputation of the royal family.

   Naturally, in the future, he will not be able to be as beautiful as he is now, and maybe he will be despised and ridiculed by others behind the scenes, and maybe the emperor will never allow himself to enter the palace again, but what does it matter?

   As long as you can keep the identity and status of the eldest princess, it's a big deal for now.

   In the future, it will be a matter of slowly drawing.

  Eldest Princess Yihe felt somewhat comforted when she thought of marrying Xiao Jinghuai's own daughter.

   In any case, his son-in-law is His Royal Highness King Yong, and the royal brother will not be too heartless.

   As for the **** Zhang Lian, he was the one who caused this incident. What does his life and death have to do with him?

   Brother Huang will not let him go.

   Even if the royal brother will let him go, he will not let him go!

  If it wasn't for his frivolity, how could he be implicated in such a tragic situation?

Zhang Lian heard the words of the eldest princess Yihe, and his fearful heart finally calmed down a little. He didn't think that the eldest princess Yihe had already made up his mind to cannon fodder, so he quickly said: "Yes, what the princess said is very true. I'll go back and make arrangements right now."

   For example, who in the family bought things? When did you buy it? where did you buy it? And so on, it is natural to communicate properly in advance.

   As for the seller, of course it is impossible to find it now. Even if he insisted that it was bought from people who live in the arena without a fixed place, others could not find any evidence.

   (end of this chapter)

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