Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 401: His Highness, even the back is so handsome and charming

   Chapter 401 His Highness is so handsome and charming

   Xiao Jingyu couldn't help sneering secretly, how dare any cat or dog dare to have great ambitions, and he doesn't even see if he is worthy or not.

"This king doesn't know who you are, and I don't want to know. But this king warns you, you'd better keep your mouth shut. Quan Dang has never seen this king and Lord Shen and his wife here. If half a word is spread out, do you believe it or not? This king will cut your tongue."

  Shen Liangyue's face turned pale, a little sad and a little scared, and stammered: "Don't worry, Your Highness, the minister will not-"

   Before she finished speaking, Xiao Jingyu's figure had disappeared.

  Shen Liangyue opened her mouth, and had to swallow the unfinished words, her eyes were wrong, and she stared at the direction where Xiao Jingyu disappeared, and her heart was rubbed in a mess.

   His Highness is so handsome and charming even in the back.

   His Highness asked her to keep it a secret, so she would naturally keep it a secret, and she would never say a single word. Shen Liangyue thought, and couldn't help but feel a little complacent.

   So sometimes it's good to be stupid. A fool thinks less, is easier to satisfy, and is easier to entertain himself

  Shen Liangyue felt that today's trip was really not in vain!

   Xiao Jingyu asked someone to call out the Princess Qingrou in the name of Xiao Jinghuai.

   When Mrs. Shen said that, he first thought of Princess Qingrou.

   If Mrs. Shen and his wife were not pleasing to the eye and were trying to take revenge, they would definitely not choose it on the wedding day of King Qi's mansion, and there would be no chance to do it in King Qi's mansion.

   The only person who can do such a thing and has a chance is that stupid and poisonous thing from the Princess Qingrou!

   In view of the fact that she has repeatedly embarrassed Shen Liangwei, Xiao Jingyu does not have to think about it and is sure that it must be her this time.

   County Master Qingrou was preparing to take a seat, and when she heard that Xiao Jinghuai had something to say to her, she was overjoyed, so she took Mammy Qi, Biying, and Hongshan with him without thinking about it.

  I didn't want to, but as soon as I stepped into the house, Xiao Jingyu grabbed her neck.

  Mother Qi, Bi Ying, and Hong Shan didn't have time to make a sound, their eyes rolled and collapsed to the ground.

   The princess of Qingrou hummed loudly, rolled her eyes, struggled desperately and looked at Xiao Jingyu in horror, even if she killed her, she didn't understand that Xiao Jingyu was crazy? Why do this to yourself?

  Breathing became more and more difficult, the pain in the throat and the strong suffocation made her inexplicably panic and panic, like a fish struggling desperately out of water.

   The panic and fear in the eyes of the Princess Qingrou became more and more serious.

   Seeing that she was about to pass out, Xiao Jingyu pushed her heavily and pushed her to the ground.

  The Princess of Qingrou felt weak all over, rubbing the painful throat, gasping for breath.

   She raised her eyes to look at Xiao Jingyu, with shock and anger in her eyes, "What is the meaning of this, the king of war? You, you are so bold, how dare you move this concubine!"

Xiao Jingyu stared at her coldly, and sneered in disdain: "So what? If you have the ability, go and file a complaint with Xiao Jinghuai, and see if he decides for you? What kind of snob is Xiao Jinghuai, you don't know? Just based on your mother's current status In the end, do you think Xiao Jinghuai still thinks you are his princess?"

  The princess of Qingrou was trembling with anger, and shook his head again and again: "You, you are talking nonsense, talking nonsense. This, what is this to you, what does this have to do with you!"

   "My king is not interested in your affairs," Xiao Jingyu glanced at her and wrote lightly: "This king only asks you, if this king takes your life, do you think Xiao Jinghuai will avenge you?"

   (end of this chapter)

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