Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 402: Could it be that he also took a fancy to Shen Liangwei

   Chapter 402 Could it be that he also fell in love with Shen Liangwei

   Qingrou County Master's eyes darkened: "You dare."

"Would you like to try it? You said, if your master and servant died here, and another 'accidental' fire burned cleanly, you said, someone would find out that the fire was set by this king, Or will it be determined that your master and servant accidentally caused a fire and caused a tragedy?"

  The Princess Qingrou shook her body, and her face turned even whiter.

  Although she was unwilling, she had to admit that if she died in a fire, Xiao Jinghuai would definitely characterize it as an "accident" and would never investigate thoroughly.

   Furthermore, the royal face is very important. On the day of King Qi's wedding, it would be unlucky for a murder to occur in the mansion. Of course, it was an "accident" that made sense.

   And because the incident happened in Prince Qi's mansion, Prince Qi was responsible, and she had to swallow her anger in front of Xiao Jinghuai for a long time.

   This is exactly what Xiao Jinghuai needs.

   As for the King of War, he usually looks lazy and lazy in front of people. Who would have thought that he would be so sinister?

   He has been in the Northwest Army for many years, and there are not sure how many fierce and aggressive men under his command. Everyone has been deceived by his superficial skills.

  Since he dared to do something to himself, he must not be unsure.

   It's not that easy to find him

   "Why, why did His Royal Highness treat this concubine like this?" The Princess Qingrou calmly said, "It seems that this concubine has never offended His Highness, right?"

   "The king will do it if he wants to, so what? Zhao Fanghua, you are not naive enough to think that you are qualified to make irresponsible remarks today?"

   His mocking tone was like a slap in the face of the Princess Qingrou, loud and crisp.

   Qingrou County Master's face turned red, showing a bit of shame and anger.

   Xiao Jingyu said coldly, "Where is the second Miss Shen family?"

   Qingrou County Master was taken aback: "What?"

   "Don't say you don't know, if you want to live, tell this king quickly. This king has limited patience, so I won't play that useless trick with you."

  He pulled out a golden hairpin from the bun of the Princess Qingrou, and the sharp end lightly tapped on the face of the Princess Qingrou, and stroked, "Speak."

   "You" Princess Qingrou was so terrified that his mind was a little shaken, he couldn't even care about his fear, and looked at Xiao Jingyu with wide eyes.

   I don't understand why this topic jumped to this again?

   "Ah!" She was horrified by the stinging pain on her face. She wanted to avoid the sharp golden hairpin on Xiao Jingyu's hand, but she couldn't do anything.

   "What relationship does she, she have with Your Highness? Your Highness, you—"

   "It's none of your business, say!"

   The stinging pain on his face intensified, as if he would pierce his fair and delicate skin in the next second, the Qingrou County Master was so frightened: "I said, I said."

After listening to the words of the Qingrou county master, Xiao Jingyu was shocked and angry. With a force, the golden hairpin in his hand stabbed into the Qingrou county master's shoulder, and the red blood seeped out instantly. The Qingrou county master screamed in pain and covered in horror. Shoulder injury.

   "What happened today, Princess Yong better pretend it never happened. If half a word is spread out, try to see if this king can take your life again!"

   Xiao Jingyu's figure left instantly.

   County Master Qingrou stared blankly at the direction where Xiao Jingyu left, and after a while, he suddenly started giggling nervously, and his laughter was so shaky that his tears almost burst out.

  Xiao Jingyu, the king of battle, could it be that he also took a fancy to Shen Liangwei?

   That **** is really capable, she doesn't need to do anything, but everyone likes her

   (end of this chapter)

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