Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 403: she still hates

   Chapter 403 She Still Hates

  No, it's not her that his prince likes, but the big room of the Shen family behind her. So, what about Xiao Jingyu?

   Xiao Jingyu shouldn't be for the Shen family's big house, right?

   Xiao Jingyu approached Shen Liangwei for the Shen family's big house? The Princess Qingrou felt absurd when she thought about it!

   What is he drawing? What qualifications does he have? What is the ability to figure out what?

   So, how much do you really like it?

   Princess Qingrou smiled more cheerfully, do you like it? This is so interesting!

   She wanted to see what happened to Shen Liangwei in the end. How could the emperor let Shen Liangwei marry Xiao Jingyu? Even she knows this, but Xiao Jingyu doesn't know?

   Or, even if he knows, he still has no turning back? Ah!

   The countenance of Qingrou County became hideous again, his silver teeth were biting secretly, and his lips were so red that he wanted to drip blood.

   She still hates it.

   For whatever reason, she hated how Shen Liangwei could get all this so easily?

   She will watch, will watch the day when the emperor is offended.

   When Xiao Jingyu arrived at the ice cellar, Shen Liangwei's consciousness was half clear.

Seeing her **** and sitting in the corner of the ice cellar with her eyes closed, as if she was out of her body, Xiao Jingyu's heart tightened, and he hurriedly stepped forward and took off the cloth ball that was stuck in her mouth, hugged her and shook it: " Second Miss, Second Miss Shen!"

  He hurriedly stroked her face, touched her breath, touched her pulse, and felt a little at ease.

   Then he hurriedly loosened her bindings.

  Shen Liangwei opened her eyes leisurely, the shadow in front of her eyes was a little blurry, only those eyes were bright like stars.

Gradually, the figure in front of her became clear, and Shen Liangwei finally saw the handsome face full of concern. She was stunned, struggling to get up. A burst of soreness and pain caused her to groan and fall into his arms weakly. , "His Royal Highness Zhan, Zhan Wang."

   "It's me, don't be afraid, I'll save you out." Xiao Jingyu worked hard to make himself look pleasant and gentle.

   In fact, his heart was already full of anger.

**** it!

   Zhao Fanghua, that crazy woman, it seems that it is not enough to kill Princess Yihe tightly.

  I really shouldn't have been merciful to her before, I should have poked her in the face with that golden hairpin just now.

  Shen Liangwei nodded lightly, opened her eyes diligently, and looked at Xiao Jingyu for a moment, her eyes became sore, and a tear fell from the corner of her eyes.

  No one can understand this despair unless you experience it firsthand.

   Suffering in despair, little by little by the time, with the flow of time, the vitality is also flowing little by little.

   His body was bound, and he couldn't even make a sound.

   Can't move.

   can only feel the body gradually becoming cold and stiff, and the blood all over his body seems to be gradually frozen.

   Consciousness is also gradually being lost, becoming blurred little by little.

   Waiting in despair, time became infinitely long, Shen Liangwei struggled to support, Rao Shi lived for two lifetimes, and Rao Shi was not the first time to experience despair in her two lifetimes, but this feeling still made her almost collapse.

   The despair this time is too straightforward, too simple and rude.

   There is no room for turning around, and there is no future.

   She has the patience to wait and wait for the opportunity to make a comeback, but patience is useless at this moment.

   There seemed to be an hourglass standing in front of her eyes, and the thin quicksand indifferently and uniformly flowed unhurriedly according to its own laws.

   (end of this chapter)

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