Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 404: Shen Liangwei's tears are falling more and faster

   Chapter 404 Shen Liangwei's tears are falling more and faster

  Shen Liangwei seemed to be able to see that her vitality was also being lost little by little with the fine quicksand.

   She didn't know how long she could last, so she could only try her best.

   As for whether this will have any result in the end, she doesn't know, and she doesn't want to think about it.

When the door of the ice cellar was opened, when she heard footsteps, when the restraints on her body suddenly loosened, when Xiao Jingyu held back her anxiety and anger in front of her, called her name as softly as possible, and comforted her, she asked How to endure so as not to cry, not to be moved?

   She was reborn again, this time, her life was given by him.

"Don't cry, you, don't cry! Let's go out right now, right away! It'll be alright, it will be alright!" Xiao Jingyu looked at the tears falling from the corners of her eyes, and was suddenly flustered and a little incoherent. Tension can no longer be hidden.

   Shen Liangwei's tears fell more and faster.

   "Thank you" she said.

   Xiao Jingyu's footsteps paused, his eyes dimmed slightly, he forced a smile, and said in a low voice, "Don't talk anymore, we'll go out immediately. I don't need you to thank me."

  Xiao Jingyu raised his head, held Shen Liangwei with a little caution and walked out, he did not see Shen Liangwei's slightly raised lips and the tenderness flowing in his eyes in the dim light.

   Shen Liangwei is still alive.

   Xiao Jingyu found Shen Liangwei who was still alive.

  In any case, from this point of view, both of them felt very lucky and satisfied.

   As long as you live, you are better than anything, right? As for the others, it's not too late to wait until you leave.

  However, this is often the case in life, surprises, surprises for you!

   The door of the ice cellar was closed from the outside.

   Strictly close it!

   The two were dumbfounded for a while!

   "This—how is that possible?" Xiao Jingyu was horrified.

After    asked about this place from the mouth of Qingrou County Master, Xiao Jingyu rushed over without stopping.

   When he came in, he didn't fully open the door of the ice cellar, only a corner. This place is remote, and no one should come here on such days.

  The door of the ice cellar is thick and heavy, and there is absolutely no possibility of being accidentally closed by the wind. It is definitely intentional.

   Also, that person might be following him, watching him come in and then closing the door gently, otherwise, it is impossible for him to not hear the sound of the door closing normally.

   Xiao Jingyu shuddered in his heart and suddenly remembered!

When    came in before, he seemed to hear light footsteps. But all he was anxiously thinking about was Shen Liangwei, who was suffering. The voice was so soft that he thought it was an illusion, so the strange feeling just flashed in his heart, and he didn't care at all. .

   Unexpectedly, there are actually people!

   He, His Highness the King of War, who thinks he is wise and martial, a guy who has lived for two lifetimes, was attacked by wild geese, and even capsized the boat in the gutter!

   If you were killed here, it would be a real joke.

   What made him even more annoyed and wanted to slap himself was that he was fine, what about Shen Liangwei? Her body couldn't take it anymore.

  Shen Liangwei was speechless at the moment, what is this called? House seemingly endless rain? The mantis catches the cicada or the oriole behind?

   (end of this chapter)

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