Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 416: Shen Liangwei froze for a while

   Chapter 416 Shen Liangwei was stagnant for a while

   Madam Shen nodded and sighed softly.

   Heart said that His Royal Highness the King of War is really a bit miserable. The person who closed the door of the ice store by hand is clearly wanting the life of the King of War!

The throne of today's sage was obtained from the emperor's brother. No matter how good he was, the only son of the emperor's brother, there must be fear and resentment in his heart, but he didn't want his life. Nurturing him.

   King Yong, King Qi and King Zhan have such a rigid relationship. It is enough to meet cynicism on weekdays and make small moves in private. If someone really wants Zhan King's life, Zhan King will naturally investigate it thoroughly.

   Speaking of the King of War, Mrs. Shen's eyes had to fall back to her daughter again, feeling a little complicated.

   "Weier," after a moment of hesitation, Mrs. Shen asked in a low voice, "Tell your mother the truth, you and His Royal Highness the King of War. Ahem, what exactly do you think about him?"

   Shen Liangwei froze for a while.

   She was with Xiao Jingyu when she was rescued from the ice cellar, and she knew that she couldn't hide it.

   Besides, she didn't intend to hide it.

  Xiao Jingyu has a special identity, and the Shen family also has a special identity. Naturally, the earlier this kind of thing is made clear, the better.

   The more you procrastinate, the more troublesome it will become.

   "Mother," Shen Liangwei felt a little uncomfortable, the contradiction was uncomfortable, she couldn't help turning red when she opened her eyes, and whispered: "I'm sorry"

   As soon as she said these words, Mrs. Shen fully understood what she meant.

   Seeing her daughter feel so guilty, Mrs. Shen couldn't help feeling distressed, and quickly patted her hand gently to comfort her: "Silly girl, what are you sorry for! You didn't do anything wrong, where did you come from?"

Shen Liangwei couldn't bear it any longer, she flung herself into the arms of Da Furen Shen and hugged her tightly and began to cry, she said intermittently with a weeping voice: "Mother, I, I really, like him, I can't refuse him, I . woo woo . Mother, I, I—"

   Shen Liangwei's heart turned back and forth, she felt that everything she said seemed too hypocritical.

If    was too pretentious, she had to shut up.

   But even if she didn't say anything, her heart was still so sad that all her internal organs seemed to be crumpled up.

"Don't cry, don't cry, Mother didn't blame you, you're right." Da Furen Shen smiled and said, "Dear me, stop crying. His Royal Highness King Zhan is a very good person, both father and mother think it's good, Wei Er has vision. , no one will blame you."

   Shen Liangwei felt even more sad after hearing this.

   She thought that she already knew how much her parents loved her when she was reborn, but she didn't think that she didn't know enough.

  Niang knew that being with Xiao Jingyu was not the best choice, but she still agreed without a word of objection.

   No wonder she was looking for life and death in her last life, and she was determined to marry Xiao Jinghuai, she stopped a few words but couldn't, and finally acquiesced.

   Thinking so, Shen Liangwei felt more and more ashamed of them.

"Don't think nonsense," Mrs. Shen chuckled lightly, and said lightly, "Although His Highness has some, some. But our Shen family is very loyal to the emperor. The emperor is very clear. If the emperor is suspicious because of this, it's a big deal. ."

   "If so, wouldn't it be—"

   "You, you just have a lot of thoughts. At such a young age, why does mother think you understand everything? Well, mother will explain it to you!"

   Mrs. Shen smiled helplessly, and spoke briefly to Shen Liangwei.

   (end of this chapter)

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