Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 417: worst outcome

   Chapter 417 Worst Result

   Mrs. Shen didn't say too much detail, mainly to comfort, even let Shen Liangwei know that she chose Xiao Jingyu.

   Shen Liangwei could understand it, and was a little surprised.

  Emperor Tianyao was quite good, at least for the Shen family, although he was actually a very suspicious person.

   Probably because the Shen family and the two princes are not close.

   This is also the reason why the Shen family is still working as an official.

   Mrs. Shen expressed the meaning, no matter whether it is King Yong or King Qi, it is not very good. I am afraid that it is a very embarrassing person to be a minister under such a person.

   Therefore, no matter which of these two succeeds the throne in the future, it is hard to say whether the father and son of the Shen family will continue to serve as officials.

   Therefore, Shen Liangwei can marry whoever he likes, even if it is the King of War, it doesn't matter, there is no need to avoid it.

   The worst result is nothing more than that the Shen family and their sons will not be reused.

   It might be that Master Shen told the old man to resign in advance, and the two brothers Shen Hongxun were transferred to the locality or not allowed to be promoted. It doesn't matter.

   Reconciliation between the ruler and the ministers is a matter of two aspects. The ruler is not good, and the ministers may not be willing to follow him all the way to the dark.

   Anyway, it is enough for Master Shen to be an official for most of his life, and the two brothers of the Shen family are even more critical, and they absolutely refuse to follow a poor monarch.

   Maybe the two of them are more willing to go to the locality to be a small magistrate and do some practical work.

  Shen Liangwei didn't know if her mother's words were true or just to comfort herself, but thinking about the temperaments of her father and brother, it was not surprising that they would do this.

  Shen Liangwei felt a little at ease, and finally felt relieved, she smiled a little embarrassedly at Madam Shen.

   Mrs. Shen smiled and held her in her arms.

   Mrs. Shen has long thought to herself how many times she was confused, what kind of temperament do people in the Xiao family have? Heavenly nobles, which one has no temper? Which one would take the initiative to condescend to care about others and take trouble for others?

   His Royal Highness the King of War actually took the initiative to help Wei Er before, so he should have understood that.

   However, he was able to take the initiative to think about Weier. This time Weier was tricked by Princess Qingrou, and he could take the initiative to save him himself, which showed that he was really sincere in his heart for Weier.

   At least the same thing, King Yong would never be able to do it.

  Weier is with him, and can be counted as lifelong support

   Furthermore, Mrs. Shen also heard a little bit of wind, and Empress Fu and Concubine Yu Gui were secretly eyeing their daughter's marriage.

   Instead of letting them figure it out, it's better to be the War King.

If it wasn't for Honglin being far away from the northwest and couldn't come back, they would be beyond their reach; if it wasn't for Hongxun speaking publicly at a banquet, his wife would have to be worthy of his talent, and she would have to pass his examination before she could enter the Shen family's door. At that time, the emperor also found it funny and laughed and expressed his approval, I am afraid that he has already been targeted.

   Early in the morning the next day, Mrs. Shen quietly took Shen Liangwei away from the house, expressing that Shen Liangwei was a little unwell, and took her to Zhuangzi to recuperate.

   But no one saw Shen Liangwei's people, the carriage was waiting at the second gate, and Shen Liangwei was riding the car on the sedan chair.

  Shen Liangyue only found out later, believed it to be true, and was very gloating.

  Zhan Wangfu, it seems that everything is business as usual, but if you pay attention secretly, you can detect the clues.

   (end of this chapter)

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