Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 426: It's time for you

  Chapter 426 It's a good thing, you guys

   The two brothers fought again, causing Empress Fu, Concubine Yu, and the eunuchs to scream and scream, and they hurriedly called for someone to step forward and pull the two away.

   Xiao Jingye was dizzy, but Xiao Jinghuai was not. In front of Emperor Tianyao, he was very restrained.

  Although eunuchs rushed forward and pulled the two away soon, Xiao Jinghuai was still hit twice, with dark circles under his eyes and blood on his face.

The    brothers have changed from being evenly matched before to Xiao Jinghuai being even more embarrassed.

   "Huai'er!" Empress Fu was so distressed that she hurriedly stepped forward to check, and she felt even more distressed at first glance.

   She turned around abruptly, raised her hand and slapped Xiao Jingye on the face, pointed at him and rebuked, "Ye'er, you are too much!"

   Yu Guifei screamed.

   "Shut up all of you!" The sharp needle-like pain from the temples on both sides of Tianyao Emperor was so severe that he almost fainted.

   "Okay, okay! You are very promising. You dare to do this in front of me. Do you two brothers want each other's lives in private, ah? You, you are so disappointed in me!"

   Empress Fu gently pulled Xiao Jinghuai's sleeve, mother and son knelt down together, Empress Fu choked with tears: "Your Majesty forgive me! The concubine shouldn't be impulsive, it's all the concubine's fault!"

After realizing it, Concubine Yugui also hurriedly dragged Xiao Jingye to her knees, tearful and pitiful: "Your Majesty, Ye'er didn't mean it! Your Majesty, you know, this child is outspoken since he was a child, and he can't bear to be wronged. He only loses his temper when he is angry, so please don’t get angry, Your Majesty, if the dragon body is angry, how can Ye’er and his concubine live in their hearts!”

Empress Fu looked disgusted, looked at Concubine Yugui and said coldly: "What does Concubine Yugui mean? Why did Huai'er wrong Ye'er? Who wouldn't make excuses with white teeth? If you have the ability, come up with evidence. Huai'er suffers from being too honest and doesn't know how to talk about flowers."

   Concubine Yu gritted her teeth and said: "What kind of assassin is not an assassin, no one has seen it, so he has the final say? This is not enough money in his mouth? He just used this as an excuse to enter the Qi Palace to make trouble and frame things."

   "Heh, is it possible that Prince Qi's mansion has no fence? Is it possible that the guards are all incompetent people who eat dry rice? Huai'er has such a great ability to set up and frame King Qi in Prince Qi's mansion? Oh, what a joke!"

   "Stop arguing," Tian Yaodi said with a cold face, feeling irritable and having a headache.

   In this case, the public said that the public is reasonable and the mother is reasonable. Anyway, in his opinion, both of them are not so innocent and not so credible.

   "I will order people to investigate this matter thoroughly and reveal the truth. When you return to your hometown, please be honest with me!"

"Also, you are brothers," Tianyao Emperor was heartbroken, "to get along well, brothers and sisters, if you let me know that you are making a fuss like an enemy in the future, don't blame me for being rude. No."

   Both mother and son pairs changed color, but when they turned around, they still didn't take it seriously.

  The emperor is the two brothers’ biological sons, so what else can they do? The throne that the emperor finally snatched back, did not pass it on to his son, do you still want to pass it on to that **** Xiao Jingyu?

  So, they are brothers!

   As long as you defeat the opponent, the thousand miles of the country will be yours!

   (end of this chapter)

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