Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 427: Everyone in the hall is stagnant

   Chapter 427 Everyone in the palace is stuck

  Emperor Tian Yao didn't know how intimidating his words were, so he gave them a distracted look and was about to kick them away.

  Unexpectedly, the little **** came in at this time to report: "Your Majesty, the Zuodu Censor Shen Shen said that there is an urgent matter to see the emperor, and he also said that this matter is related to His Royal Highness War King."

   Everyone in the hall was stagnant.

   Xiao Jinghuai, in particular, was a little surprised.

   Xiao Jingyu? Why did Lord Shen get involved with Xiao Jingyu?

  So, so Xiao Jingyu is really okay? From the beginning to the end, he actually calculated himself.

   If there was something else that Mr. Shen wanted to say, Emperor Tianyao let his son, the queen, and Concubine Yu leave first, but since it was about Xiao Jingyu, he frowned slightly and didn't say anything else.

  The mother and son of Queen Fu and Concubine Yugui also simply pretended to be dumb and did not intend to leave.

   "Let him in." Tian Yaodi ordered.

   There was a faint expectation in my heart, expecting that what Lord Shen said was not a good thing. After all, his two sons only made him half-dead from anger, and he really wanted to see that Xiao Jingyu didn't do anything good. It should be a little more balanced.

   When Lord Shen entered the hall, his face was not very good. He didn't care about Empress Fu, Xiao Jinghuai and others, calling "Your Majesty!" When he came up, he knelt down for Emperor Tianyao: "I beg the Emperor to be the master of Weichen!"

   "What's the matter?" Tian Yaodi was stunned, "What happened? Shen Aiqing calm down quickly and speak slowly!"

  Tianyao Emperor was taken aback by how frantic and faintly angry the minister of his own trustworthy minister was, so he couldn't ignore it.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Lord Shen kowtowed and stood up. When he stood up, his body swayed. He rushed up and cupped his hands. It was originally a very common thing, but, for some unknown reason, Wei Chen, now there are some extremely bad rumors in the city, saying, saying—"

He sighed, both angry and helpless: "It is said that Wei Chen's daughter and His Royal Highness Zhan Wang are locked in the ice cellar of Qi Wang's mansion! It is rumored that it has nose and eyes, and it is said that this matter is the king of Qi. What happened on the day of the wedding! Isn't this absurd! Your Majesty, Wei Chen's good daughter, she is innocent, and such nonsense came out. Wei Chen's father and son were full of anger but helpless, and asked the emperor to make decisions for Wei Chen. ah!"

   "Wei Chen doesn't dare to let their mothers know about this now, otherwise - alas! Wei Chen really doesn't know what to do, so he can only ask the emperor!"

  Sir Shen felt extremely painful, knelt down again, and kowtowed heavily to Emperor Yaotian.

   "This—how can it be so absurd!" Tian Yaodi was shocked and angry, and was suddenly dumbfounded.

   Everyone in the hall also changed color, and Xiao Jinghuai was so shocked that he almost cried out.

  Tian Yaodi's face was very ugly, and he gave Xiao Jinghuai and Xiao Jingye a cold look. Ice cellar, ice cellar again!

   If he said that this matter had nothing to do with today’s events, he would not believe anything. What the **** is going on here? Why is it more and more confusing.

   Both Xiao Jinghuai's brothers were dumbfounded, but Xiao Jinghuai's dumbfoundedness was fake.

"This, how is this possible!" Xiao Jingye complained incessantly, "Who is it, so shameless? How could Second Miss Shen—and her cousin, how could he go to the ice cellar in the palace? Ben Who in the palace doesn't know his cousin, how could he dare to imprison him? It's really outrageous!"

   (end of this chapter)

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