Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 435: This quarrel is over

   Chapter 435 This dispute ended without a hitch

   What is he afraid of? He really didn't panic at all.

   The crisis of Princess Qingrou has passed. No matter how Xiao Jinghuai cleans her up after the incident, it is the matter of the two of them behind closed doors.

   She would never be stupid enough to take the initiative to get into trouble and tell her how she was at such a time.

   Again, are you stupid? Still let her say it?

  Xiao Jinghuai and the two brothers each had their own reasons, and the dispute was raging.

  Empress Fu and Concubine Yugui couldn't bear to see it, so they joined in, and they became more and more noisy.

Emperor Tianyao felt a little dizzy, and the dull pain and dizziness from his chest made him more and more upset, and the buzzing in his ears were all the voices of them arguing and arguing. He couldn't understand the content. upset.

"Enough!" Tian Yaodi finally couldn't bear it anymore, and said coldly: "We will discuss this matter later, I think you are really promising! You don't study well! You are good brothers, oh, in my opinion, no one can Don't tell anyone!"

   Xiao Jinghuai and Xiao Jingye suddenly became miserable.

   Xiao Jingyu's eyes flashed, and he quickly glanced at Emperor Tianyao, faintly aware of something strange.

  If he remembered correctly, Emperor Tianyao died of illness a few years ago in his last life. It seems that his illness is coming a little sooner in this life.

   But, soon

   He would have liked to be faster.

   This dispute ended without a hitch.

  Xiao Jingyu knew very well that according to the thoughts of Emperor Tianyao, it was a sudden death of various meanings.

   He will not investigate thoroughly.

  Because the palms of the hands and the backs of the hands are full of meat, no matter what the result of the thorough investigation is, it is his son who is unlucky. Therefore, he will only play fifty big boards each, and then teach them to love each other-heh!

  It's a pity that before the temptation of thousands of miles of rivers and mountains, the winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. Even if they are close relatives, how can they really love each other?

   Besides, they were not born of a mother.

   Facts have proved that Xiao Jingyu's guess is not wrong at all.

   Empress Fu and Concubine Yu continued to fight openly and secretly, and the Xiao Jinghuai brothers also refused to give in to each other, but the result was that the two of them were trained separately, and they were pushed to "a misunderstanding".

  Emperor Tianyao was hit a lot, and the feeling of powerlessness made him a little discouraged.

  He holds the supreme power, sits on thousands of miles of rivers and mountains, is the king and the father, and faces the life-and-death struggle between the two sons, but he can't find the best solution for both worlds.

   He was looking forward to their harmony, but the temptation of Jiangshan power was too great. In this kind of battle of choosing one or the other, which can be monopolized by the other side, who would easily quit?

  No one is stupid.

Emperor Tianyao was worried and unhappy. He couldn't sleep all night long. He woke up from nightmares from time to time. After waking up, he was gasping for breath. His heartbeat was like a drum. .

   Is this God's will?

   No, he refused to think about it, and even refused to admit it.

   He never thought he did anything wrong, never before, not now, and never will!

  Perhaps, maybe he should seriously consider the matter of establishing a prince. As long as the position of the prince is set, everything is a foregone conclusion. The relationship between the two brothers must also gradually ease.

  Emperor Tianyao deliberately turned the big and small matters into small ones. Empress Fu stared coldly and was the first to understand what he was thinking, so she decisively sent a message to Xiao Jinghuai and told him to give up.

   (end of this chapter)

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