Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 436: The Princess Qingrou is simply an idiot

   Chapter 436 Princess Qingrou is simply a fool

   Xiao Jinghuai was not reconciled, and he knew that this matter was not clear at all. After all, it was not Xiao Jingyu who died in the ice cellar of Prince Qi's mansion.

Xiao Jingye's side was clearly the one who was wronged, but in the end, the matter ended like this. He was so unwilling that he couldn't help but complained and cursed Xiao Jinghuai constantly. He hated him even more in his heart, but Xiao Jingyu was ranked behind .

   Besides, since the Princess Qingrou returned to the mansion, she has been trembling and trembling, fearing that Xiao Jinghuai will find him to settle accounts.

   was so frightened that he didn't even dare to go out of the courtyard door, and huddled up to be a quail.

   Behind this incident, she was quietly provoking, expressly implying that it was Shen Liangrong who seduced Princess Qingrou to do it, but Shen Liangrong did not touch her body and picked herself cleanly.

   Princess Qingrou didn't even think about finding her to settle accounts.

However, it was originally thought that the Qingrou County Master was in the Qi Wangfu, and Shen Liangwei was alone and helpless. Got it well.

   This time, he will surely die.

   In this way, even though he didn’t do it himself, it was considered revenge for Xuehen’s evil spirits!

  I don't want to, Princess Qingrou came back from the Qi Wangfu in a panic and panic, and the whole person was not right.

   The power is not as good as others. Shen Liangrong is very knowledgeable and did not take the initiative to go to Princess Qingrou to directly ask about anything. Anyway, it can be seen clearly from the sidelines.

   She was suddenly in shock, and she felt something was wrong.

   Then quietly sent someone to inquire about the Shen family, and when she learned that Shen Liangwei was safe and sound, Shen Liangrong was so angry that her chest hurt.

   Such a good opportunity was missed so in vain!

  The Princess Qingrou is simply an idiot, she can't do such a simple thing.

When the prince and the princess of Qingrou came back from the palace, the princess of Qingrou was so frightened that Shen Liangrong more intuitively realized what should happen again, so she spent money to buy the servants in the courtyard of the princess of Qingrou. With a lot of money, although I didn't inquire about ten percent, I knew about it.

  Shen Liangrong almost died laughing.

   This is also good, it is also an unexpected joy!

   Qingrou County Master, this idiot, what did others do, it's too late to hide from right and wrong, but she took the initiative to seek right and wrong, and went to the emperor to plead guilty, and personally admitted to framing Shen Liangwei

   In front of the emperor and the jade concubine Qi, the mother and son, the prince lost his face, how could he not hate it.

   Not to mention that she also has a mother who is destined to be nailed to the pillar of shame for a lifetime, and the prince will only hate her even more, and she will never turn around in her life!

   Thinking of this, Shen Liangrong worked harder to reduce her sense of existence, and waited very well for the prince to settle accounts with the princess of Qingrou.

  I am a side concubine, no matter what my status is here, and I am infatuated with the prince, the prince knows it well.

   The princess of Qingrou is out of luck. Who else can it be if it is not his turn to come forward?

   Thinking of the Princess Qingrou, Shen Liangrong unconsciously showed a little bit of anger in her eyes.

   She hated Princess Qingrou no less than she did to Shen Liangwei.

   Qingrou County Master used the reputation of learning the rules to let the old woman torment herself so badly. If it wasn't for him kneeling down and begging in front of her in a low voice, begging her in a low voice, and begging her with all his heart and mind, and only then could she be a little bit relieved and forgive him, he would have suffered a lot.

   (end of this chapter)

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