Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 498: Mrs. Shen was in a state of turmoil

   Chapter 498 Mrs. Shen was in a state of confusion

   Every time he received something, he never wore it.

She remembered in a trance that she seemed to have asked him, he just smiled and replied lightly that he was not used to wearing things made by others, either by servants, or by her or others, he would feel awkward wearing them .

   Come to think of it, he also noticed that Xiuer did something wrong. If she wore it out, if she said it one day, it would not sound good.

   But it wasn't easy to shake Xiu'er's mind, so she took the things and left them untouched.

  Xiu Er, did she ever think that it would be inappropriate to do this?

   Did he think too much and misunderstood her?

   Mrs. Shen was in a state of turmoil.

  Shen Liangwei has been secretly observing her reaction, and seeing that her expression is obviously not right, she is relieved.

  Her mother was originally a very smart and sensitive person. The reason why she didn't think about this aspect before was because she had a bright temperament and a broad mind.

   She couldn't see Mount Tai in a single leaf, so she naturally wouldn't think much about it.

   However, once such an idea arises in her heart, she will naturally pay attention to the places she didn't pay attention to in the past.

This is enough.

   Mrs. Shen calmed down and said to Shen Liangwei with a smile, "Sister Xiu'er is showing your filial piety to the elders, you, don't say this again."

  Shen Liangwei snorted softly, and said with some jealousy: "Then I will tell Sister Xiu'er that next time you and Dad have it, I will have it too! She can also express her sisterhood to my sister!"

   Mrs. Shen reluctantly smiled: "Don't make a fool of yourself."

   Hongxun is a man, so she avoided suspicion and didn’t make things for Hongxun to send things. But Wei Er is a girl's family, even if Wei Er had a bad relationship with herself in the past, she really never mentioned what to do for Wei Er.

   Mrs. Shen did not insist that Rong Xiuer do something for Shen Liangwei, but it proved that Rong Xiuer was not so down-to-earth.

  Otherwise, she clearly knew how much she and Mr. Shen valued Shen Liangwei's daughter, but why didn't she think about Shen Liangwei at all?

   Mrs. Shen even subconsciously thought, in fact, she just wants to do these things for her husband, she is just a cover up incidentally

   Madam Shen felt a little sick for a moment.

   During breakfast, Mrs. Shen's expression was a little reluctant.

   After breakfast, Shen Liangwei left first.

  Rong Xiuer also felt strange in her heart, but since Shen Liangwei left, of course she wanted to take the opportunity to spend more time with and please her master, she would not leave.

   My heart was tumbling upside down, and I was in a state of shock and anger. Finally, Doctor Shen managed to calm down.

   Since Mrs. Shen had doubts in her heart, she naturally wanted to be sure.

   She winked at Haitang and the others, chatted with Rong Xiuer and asked her how she was going back this time with a smile.

  Rong Xiuer likes to talk to her like this, which makes her feel that she has a very close and intimate relationship with her.

   replied immediately with a smile.

   Try to choose the words that Mrs. Shen will be happy to hear.

   Mrs. Shen was really happy to hear that, and she praised her very much.

   But, while she was talking, Da Furen Shen suddenly changed the conversation and said with a smile, "Xiu'er, that's how it goes, life has passed so quickly, in the blink of an eye, you've been with me for so many years!"

   (end of this chapter)

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