Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 499: I hope she is not wrong

   Chapter 499 I hope I didn't misread her

  Rong Xiu'er was also a little moved. She smiled gratefully and said, "Thanks to Master, you adopted it back then, otherwise, I wouldn't know where I was. Master's great kindness and virtue will never be forgotten by Xiu'er in her lifetime."

   Mrs. Shen was also a little moved when she heard this, and she couldn't help but think of the past.

When I saw Rong Xiuer at the beginning of the year, the girl was yellow and thin, with patches all over her clothes, but she was not dirty, her face was clean, her eyes were big and bright, but there was despair and fear in them, and her heart softened at a glance. Take her away without hesitation.

   After so many years, she always thought that she did the right thing back then. This child is gentle and filial, and has a high talent for studying medicine. Not only did she save her, but she also had a successor.

  I hope, I hope I think wrong, I hope I didn't see her wrong.

"As long as you are well, inherit the mantle of Master, and live your life in a down-to-earth manner, you will repay the kindness of Master for saving you. Master saves you, but you just follow your heart, you don't need to remember this. This shows that we are Destiny!"

   "But this kindness saved Xiu'er's life, and Xiu'er will naturally remember it forever." Rong Xiu'er smiled, but she felt a little disappointed.

   Are you destined? If she is really destined, she will not be just an apprentice.

   Mrs. Shen smiled helplessly. Knowing that she was a sensible person, she didn't bother with this and said with a smile: "Now you are seventeen years old, which is not too young. Master has given you a kiss."

   "Master!" Rong Xiu'er's face changed slightly, she was stunned, she closed her eyes and forced a smile: "Master, this, this—it doesn't need to be so fast, I-I want to stay with Master for a few more years."

"What nonsense!" Mrs. Shen laughed amused: "What a silly girl, it's fine to say such nonsense in front of Master, but you must not say it outside. Otherwise, it will be a joke. Where can Master keep you for a few more years? It will make people gossip."

  Rong Xiuer was in a hurry: "But, but I don't want to get married now, I just want to learn my skills from Master."

"You are married, and you can follow the master to learn your skills! Don't worry, the master watched you grow up. You are a rare good girl, and you have such good medical skills. Your future achievements are limitless. No matter where you are, rely on With this skill, you won't be able to eat. Master will definitely find a good family for you, and will never wrong you."

"But, but—" Rong Xiu'er was in a panic, she didn't expect that she had just returned happily, and this was what was waiting for her, "Master, I really don't want to get married now! I, I— It was so sudden, I-I wasn't prepared at all"

"You don't need to prepare anything, Master will help you get everything ready. If you don't get married right now, others will not only laugh at you, but also say that Master doesn't care about you, and doesn't really care about you at all. Children's family, there is always a day when people get married, and when the time comes, it's natural to talk about marriage!"

   "Any master next to you can rely on you, except for this important life event, you can't make fun of it!"

   "Although we are not mother and daughter, we are similar. You don't have to be ashamed in front of Master. You tell Master what kind of man you like, and Master will help you choose carefully."

   "This marriage will not be settled casually. It will always let you meet people and decide when you are satisfied."

   (end of this chapter)

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