Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 505: Some people don't know how to be grateful, they just ask for it

   Chapter 505 Some people don't know gratitude, they only ask for it

   When Rong Xiuer came back, she naturally knew that Shen Liangwei had also started to study medicine with Mrs. Shen, but she had no objection. On the contrary, she took good care of Shen Liangwei and gave her guidance very enthusiastically.

   In the past few days, it can be said that the two of them are very "talking and talking very much", and Mrs. Shen sees it, and she is both happy and worried.

The joy is naturally that the close relationship between Shen Liangwei and Rong Xiuer, which she has been looking forward to, is finally here, but the worry is that Rong Xiuer has remained silent about the marriage and has not given her any response. I don't know what to do with her.

   After all, she is the one who has raised and taught her apprentice for so many years, but if there is still a chance of pulling her back, Da Furen Shen is still willing to give her a chance.

   Her pity and love for her is true, as is the relationship between teachers and apprentices for so many years.

   Hearing Rong Xiuer talking to Shen Liangwei like this, she smiled and said nothing.

   Shen Liangwei's eyes flashed, she nodded, and smiled at Rong Xiu'er: "Okay, Sister Xiu'er, let's take a look together."

  The two of them smiled and said goodbye to Da Furen Shen. Da Furen Shen went back first, and the two went to see the herbal medicine.

   Rong Xiu'er was talking to Shen Liangwei, and stopped in front of a clump of hibiscus flowers. Looking at the hibiscus flowers, she suddenly sighed softly, "Weier, I really envy you."

  Shen Liangwei smiled: "What do you envy? Sister Xiuer is also very good now, I don't know how many people envy Sister Xiuer."

   There is nothing wrong with that. Just like Rong Xiu'er's background, how many people have been desperately struggling in misery and pain all their lives, and they live day by day just to eat a full meal to survive.

  This is not an easy thing to do.

   How fortunate Rong Xiuer is, she was brought back by her own mother, and she has no worries about food and clothing since then. She has people who sincerely treat her well and care about her, and teach her a lot of skills!

  Shen Liangwei sneered silently, but unfortunately, some people do not understand gratitude and only ask for it.

   The more you get, the more you feel that there is not enough, and the more you feel that you should give yourself more!

  Shen Liangwei really doesn't know where she got such a big face.

Hearing Shen Liangwei's words, Rong Xiu'er felt a little uncomfortable, but she quickly adjusted and smiled reluctantly: "I'm just a lowly woman from a poor family, how can I compare with you, Wei Er. It's impossible to rely on Master for the rest of your life, and you still don't know where you will be in the future."

  Shen Liangwei glanced at her, smiled and said nothing, Quan Dang acquiesced to her words, and added a sentence in his heart, if you really understand this truth, you are not confused. It's a pity, is this your truth?

   After living for two lifetimes, if she can no longer see the essence of this person, Shen Liangwei feels that she can die again.

   What did she mean by saying that to herself? Oh, let yourself comfort her and show her that her mother will not care about her, will care about her for her whole life, and always support her?

   She deserves it too.

   Didn't hear Shen Liangwei's answer, Rong Xiuer was a little surprised and disappointed, but soon took it for granted.

  Shen Liangwei has always been at odds with herself. It's no wonder that she doesn't say what she likes to hear. Why should she care?

   Rong Xiuer forced a smile, and continued to talk to Shen Liangwei about various things.

   Shen Liangwei couldn't help but be a little surprised, what kind of medicine did this person take today? You don't seem to have much to say to her, do you?

   (end of this chapter)

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