Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 506: What does Rong Xiuer want to do?

   Chapter 506 What does Rong Xiuer want to do?

Finally, Rong Xiu'er stopped talking, looked at the sky, and smiled bitterly: "Weier, I still have something to do, some herbs need to be dealt with as soon as possible, why don't you go to the garden and look at those herbs yourself. It's better to tell Master when you come back. One sound."

   Shen Liangwei looked at Rong Xiuer, Rong Xiuer asked her to look a little unnatural, and forced a smile: "Weier, what are you—why are you looking at me like that? Is there something on my face?"

   She pretended to touch her face with ease.

   "It's nothing," Shen Liangwei smiled: "Since Sister Xiuer has something to do, then go ahead and do it first, I can go and see for myself."

   "That's fine, I won't delay you anymore, you can go." Rong Xiu'er smiled and watched Shen Liangwei go, then turned and left.

   The corners of Rong Xiu'er's lips were hooked, her smile was cold, and there was a trace of cruelty in her eyes. This was all brought about by Shen Liangwei, no wonder she

  Shen Liangwei walked unhurriedly, thinking secretly in her heart, what exactly does Rong Xiuer want to do?

   I just went to see the medicinal herbs that my mother planted. Could it be that she did something on that small piece of medicinal herbs? But what would it be?

  Shen Liangwei took Chunying and Xiahe and decided to take a look.

   If you don't go, how do you know what Rong Xiu'er is doing? She never thought of avoiding Rong Xiu'er, and she also wanted to see how vicious and scheming this woman was.

   This is in her own mansion, with Chun Ying and the others following her, what is she afraid of?

   Walking, suddenly looking up, she saw Jade who was walking with the hand of the little maid not far away, Shen Liangwei frowned, she didn't want to see Jade.

   But it was obvious that this was the only way to go, so she walked forward.

   She didn't want to see Jade, but she wasn't to the point where she had to avoid Jade.

   Fei Cui also saw her, and looked very happy. She hurriedly stepped forward, bowed slightly to her, and greeted her with a very close tone with a smile: "Second Miss, you also come for a walk in the garden!"

   Shen Liangwei glanced at her and said lightly, "I have something to do."

   Fei Cui felt a little uncomfortable, but now the big house is in charge of the mansion, and the second house has failed miserably to the point where she can't be liked by Mrs. Shen.

   But Mrs. Shen didn't dare to go there at all, but she wanted to go to Lingxiao Court several times to greet Shen Liangwei, but she couldn't even see her face, so she was sent away.

   When Shen Liangwei went to greet Mrs. Shen, she could see one or two, but in front of Mrs. Shen, she didn't dare to flatter Shen Liangwei at all.

   Otherwise, the old lady will be angered, and she will not have a good life.

   Seeing that Shen Liangwei was about to leave, Jade was in a hurry, she didn't want to miss such a good opportunity, she had to save a point or two of her image no matter what.

  Second Miss is still young and easy to coax. As long as you can coax the Second Miss well, I will not worry that the eldest lady will help me a little in the future.

   So Feicui hurriedly trotted to keep up with Shen Liangwei, and said with a smile, "Where is Second Young Lady going--ah!"

   When everyone was caught off guard, Jade fell heavily to the ground, and several people were taken aback.

  Yicui covered her stomach and screamed, her face was white, cold sweat rolled down her forehead immediately, and the dark red blood also flowed down, dripping on the ground, bright red and dazzling.

   The little maid was so frightened that she screamed, and subconsciously went to pull Jade: "Auntie! Auntie! Help, help! Auntie fell!"

   (end of this chapter)

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