Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 514: Master Shen has a headache

   Chapter 514 Master Shen has a headache

   Mrs. Shen subconsciously felt that this might not be true.

  But if this is the case, why did Xiuer do this?

   Mrs. Shen's temper, seeing Rong Xiu'er like this, she sneered again and again, the more she thought about it, the more she felt that her guess was right, "You are all in the same group, don't pretend to be in front of me!"

Rong Xiu'er burst into tears and shook her head desperately: "Old Madam, I really kindly check the pulse of Aunt Feicui, and I look forward to the harmony in the house. This is also equivalent to repaying Master's kindness, so how could I harm Aunt Feicui? Wei? Er, Wei Er is also absolutely impossible!"

   Mr. Shen has a headache, it's a mess.

   Once everything gets involved with the mother and the second or third room, it will be endless like this.

   In this family, the mother and the second and third bedrooms are simply unreasonable.

   Mr. Shen can't understand no matter how he thinks about it, since when did it become like this? Does the mother have to break up her own family before giving up?

   "Mother, you rest first. This is the end of the matter. Let's take care of Feicui's funeral first and ask the nurse to take good care of the child. In any case, that child is also the blood of our Shen family."

   "Brother, what are you talking about? Girl Wei did something evil—"

   "Second brother and sister, if you have evidence, I will naturally punish and teach Wei Er without saying a word, but guessing with just a few words and a few words, it is impossible."

   "Try that little girl well, what can't you find out?"

   "She has already said that it has nothing to do with Wei Er."

   "Oh, in front of you, I naturally dare not say that."

Mrs. Shen sneered: "If you don't treat us, she will naturally dare not refuse to obey what you say. Even if I say something to report to the official, I am afraid that the second younger brother and sister will say that the official government will definitely go to us and bully you, the second house has no right or no right. In short, this result must be as the second brother and sister wished, otherwise, it must be wrong, what am I saying?"

   Mrs. Shen became angry: "I didn't say that!"

   Madam Shen sneered and dragged Shen Liangwei away. By the way, I asked someone to take the little girl away.

   You can't keep people here, this is a place that eats people without spitting bones.

   Mrs. Shen was furious: "Mr. Rong, what are you doing? Who allowed you to take that girl away!"

   Mrs. Shen just pretended she didn't hear her, she was leaving, who would dare to stop her?

   Mrs. Shen was even more angry: "Boss, you, you are like this, believe it or not, I will sue you for being unfilial!"

   Mr. Shen looked at Mrs. Shen in shock, "Mother, what are you, what are you talking about?"

  Shen Hongxun's eyes were frosty, and he said coldly, "If grandma wants to go, just go. You don't need to say hello to my father first! It's a big deal."

   "You, you shut up!" Old Shen Furen scolded: "You dare to say that? You dare!"

   "Why don't I dare?" Shen Hongxun ignored his father's complicated look, and sneered: "Don't you learn this from you? Why don't we play it together as a family?"

   Mrs. Shen: "."

   Master Shen Er and Master Shen looked at Shen Hongxun's cold, chilling eyes, subconsciously feeling a little chilly.

   This kid is definitely not a good friend, why didn't I find out before?

Mr. Shen San didn't want this good day to be ruined. After all, although he was a low-ranking official, but because he had a big house, his colleagues in the yamen, including the boss, were not polite to him. ?

   In a few days, there will be more changes, it should be 10 or 11



   (end of this chapter)

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