Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 515: The old lady Shen snorted coldly

   Chapter 515 Mrs. Shen snorted coldly

  Although he also wanted to be promoted, and I don’t know how many times he complained about the elder brother for not helping, but one yardage is one yardstick, if there is no elder brother, he would not want to be as relaxed and comfortable in the yamen as he is now.

   At this point he was still quite sober.

Seeing the resentful eyes of the second brother, the second sister-in-law and the mother, the third master Shen coughed, and quickly put on a smile to accompany him with a smile: "Mother, brother - this, we are all a family, a family! Isn't it two heavy words? Don't say this kind of joke, it hurts people to say it, right?"

   "Hongxun, why are you so angry at such a young age? Don't add fuel to the fire."

   Old Shen Furen snorted coldly.

Shen Hongxun smiled and said indifferently: "What the third uncle said is that, as expected, the third uncle is a sensible person. I will leave it to the third uncle, and my father and I will also leave first. It will save me a moment of control. I can't stop getting angry, what if I say something that shouldn't be said, but it's not very good, right?"

   After Shen Hongxun finished speaking, he couldn't help but pull Master Shen out.

   Master Shen lowered his eyes and silently followed his son away.

   There was not a single sound in the room to stop him.

   After leaving the Fuanyuan, Master Shen sighed deeply.

Shen Hongxun glanced at him lightly, "Father, think about breaking up the family. If it goes on like this, I'm really afraid that I can't control my anger. If I do something that shouldn't be done, I don't dare to do it. Guaranteed."

   "Shut up!" Master Shen was so annoyed that he glared at him angrily: "You're threatening your father? You're promising!"

   Shen Hongxun rolled his eyes.

   He didn't want to either, but what if he couldn't help being angry? ?

In the Fuanyuan, the old lady Shen got angry, "Get out, get out of here! You brothers, see for yourself what you are like, ah, what you are like! Put on the same clothes, stretch out your hands and open your mouth, The same gentleman goes to school, why, why is there such a big difference? Why is there such a big difference!"

   "As long as you are more aggressive, I won't suffer this kind of crime at an age! Get out of here, get out of here!"

  The second room and the third room looked at each other in dismay, and the operation of calling Old Madam Shen was a little dizzy and a little strange.

  Why, why are you listening to what Mother said? It's as if the eldest brother was not born to her. However, isn't the eldest brother a real brother to them?

  This—they misunderstood?

  The two brothers and their two daughters-in-law saw the old lady's anger like this, which they had never seen before, and when they heard her inexplicable words, they murmured in their hearts, didn't dare to say anything, and left in a daze.

When    went out, Second Lady Shen was full of resentment and wanted to make trouble, but Master Shen San dragged Third Lady Shen away.

  There is no evidence, so he will not follow the second room to toss.

   "Master, this can't be ignored!"

   Mr. Shen Er sneered gloomily: "Otherwise? Can you kill Shen Liangwei?"

   Mrs. Shen gritted her teeth: "I won't make her feel better! I won't"

   Shen Liangwei didn't push Jade, she didn't care that much, what she cared about was her grandson, her grandson was gone, she was full of resentment, and all her anger was on Shen Liangwei.

   Mrs. Shen was powerless to sit on the soft couch, with indescribable resentment and powerlessness in her heart.

   couldn't handle it anymore, she suddenly found that she really had no way to take the big room.

   All of them are white-eyed wolves, and they don't pay attention to her at all.

   (end of this chapter)

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