Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 527: where would it be so easy to change

   Chapter 527 Where will it be so easy to change

   Regardless of the final outcome, neither of the two will be completely innocent. If a slap doesn't make a sound, both of them are at fault.

  Rong Xiuer is still quietly trying to pull Shen Liangwei into the water.

   If this was left in the previous life, Shen Liangwei might not be able to endure this angry quarrel with her long ago. Wouldn't that be right in her arms?

   also proves that what she said is true?

  Unfortunately, the current Shen Liangwei simply ignored her provocation. She didn't say a word, but she became more and more disdainful in her heart, and more and more determined, this woman is too bad and wicked, she can do anything, no matter what, she must be kicked out of the Shen family and the capital today.

   Actually, at this stage, there is no need for Shen Liangwei to say anything.

   Mrs. Shen and his wife are not confused. Before, because the filter on Rong Xiuer was too thick, they couldn't believe it, and they were skeptical about what Shen Liangwei said.

  Rong Xiuer admitted that, no matter how thick the original filter was, it shattered to the ground in an instant.

   Under this premise, no matter what she said, it was already pale and powerless.

  If she really confessed honestly, then for the sake of raising and teaching her for so many years, and for the sake of her suffering, Da Furen Shen might be able to open up and take it lightly.

  Unfortunately, Rong Xiu'er was in a state of turmoil, and she didn't have time to think about it. Instead, she tried to cling to Shen Liangwei. No matter how well-mannered Mrs. Shen was, and she couldn't bear her, she wouldn't be able to keep her.

   "Go back to your room and have a good rest, put away your luggage, and tomorrow morning, I will have someone take you back to your house."

   "Master!" This was the result that Rong Xiuer was most afraid of. Her eyes widened in horror, and her tears flowed with unprecedented sincerity. She shook her head desperately: "No, no!"

Madam Shen turned a deaf ear and said quietly, "With your medical skills, as long as your parents aren't stupid, they won't make it difficult for you. From now on, live a good life in your hometown, marry an honest family, and live a steady life. You can only use the medical skills I taught you to save people, not harm them. I will ask people to inquire from time to time. If I find out that you are using the medical skills I taught you to harm others, I will destroy your hands. , hoarse your voice."

   If a doctor has no hands to take the pulse, and he can't even speak a word, his medical skills are basically useless.

   "In the future, you are not allowed to step into the capital for half a step."

"Go ahead!"

"Master, Master! Please don't drive me away!" Rong Xiu'er clutched Da Furen Shen's skirt tightly in desperation, hissing in despair: "No matter how you punish me, it will be done, it will be done, just don't drive me away! I can't bear you! I can't bear the Shen family! I have long regarded this as my home, please don't drive me away! I know my mistake, I really know it, and I will never dare again! I am willing to accept any punishment , I just ask you to leave me woo woo woo"

  Shen Liangwei hated her so much that she wanted to go forward and kick her a few times.

   She still has the face to say?

  Oh, reluctant? Think of the Shen family as home?

   She just wanted to become a real part of the Shen family?

   Madam Shen made up her mind, how could she change it so easily?

   She shook her head hard-heartedly, "Don't talk about it. Anyway, I'll have someone talk to your parents and tell them to treat you well, and the money will be enough for you."

   (end of this chapter)

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