Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 528: would disgust her parents

   Chapter 528 It will make her parents sick

   "In the second half of your life, you must remember to repent, repent for Jade, and make atonement."

   "Go down!"

  Shen Hongxun looked impatient, raised his voice and shouted, "come here!"

  Who has the time to grind with her here?

   Shen Hongxun felt relieved as soon as Shen Liangwei spoke. There are some things Shen Liangwei can't say, she can't pierce Rong Xiuer's dirty and secret thoughts.

   will disgust her parents.

   The third brother was absolutely resolute in chasing people and put them into action. Who would listen to her dragging and chasing endlessly here?

Rong Xiu'er obviously also knew that once Shen Hongxun was going to do it, it was definitely not a joke with him. In a hurry, he couldn't care about anything, and hurriedly said: "Hold on! Hold on! Master, I know a secret, one about the master. secret!"

   Everyone was stunned, and Shen Hongxun scolded furiously: "Rong Xiu'er! Do you know what nonsense you are talking about?"

   Shen Liangwei's complexion also changed slightly, and the hand hanging by his side tightened.

   What does she want to do? Could it be possible, could it be possible that she wants to say what she thinks about her father?

   "What I said is true," Rong Xiuer hurriedly said, "It's about the master's life experience."

   As soon as these words came out, Da Furen Shen and Master Shen changed their expressions.

   "You're just—" Shen Hongxun glanced at his parents, feeling a little confused in his heart, and didn't speak any more.

Rong Xiu'er said: "Don't you find it strange, Master and Master? Why, why is Master better than Second Master and Third Master, but the old lady is obviously more inclined to the second room and the third room, especially she has high hopes for the second room. Among the generations, the old lady also loves the second young master and the eldest young lady more, and the two older brothers in the big room are clearly better, but the old lady turns a blind eye, but the master and the master who seem to be more and more disliked have never doubted it?"

   "You, where did you hear the nonsense gossip? It's just messed up!" Master Shen said angrily.

   Brother and sister Shen Liangwei and Shen Hongxun exchanged glances involuntarily, and there was something different in their eyes.

  This proves that the two brothers and sisters are in fact the same thing, and more or less have had this kind of idea.

   No wonder.

   This is really weird.

   They are also sons. The big room is obviously the eldest son's long room, but the old lady seems to be invisible, and has never expressed satisfaction with the big room.

   Everyone basically acquiesced that the old lady hated the daughter-in-law of Mrs. Shen, so she did this to the big room.

  However, it is really rare that they hate their own sons, grandsons, and granddaughters because they hate their daughter-in-law.

  If sons and grandsons are still worthless, it’s okay to hate Wu and Wu.

  But it is clear that the father and son of Changfang are so promising, what else does she want?

   Shen Hongxun thought to himself more than once, most of the big houses are not his own, right?

  Shen Liangwei also thought about it in a self-deprecating way.

   But, it's just self-deprecation.

   Nobody really doubted.

   Because how could it be fake?

  It's just about others, how could he not know if Mr. Shen is the son of the old lady?

   But after hearing Rong Xiuer shouting like this, Shen Liangwei and Shen Hongxun subconsciously felt that most of what Rong Xiuer said was true.

   Rong Xiuer has no reason to lie at this time.

  Rong Xiuer said with tears: "Master refuses to keep me in the mansion, and I don't dare to force it. But please don't send me home, please allow me to stay in the capital—no, I, I stay in the suburbs."

   (end of this chapter)

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