Chapter 529 Lies

   "I promise Master, I will not enter the capital easily! I just ask Master not to let me go back!"

  Rong Xiuer humbly kowtowed, her face full of prayer.

   You can't do it without praying. Her contract of betrayal is still in the hands of Mrs. Shen. In a sense, she is a servant of the Shen family.

   This was originally Da Furen Shen's life contract to guard against her pair of superlative parents who might come to make trouble, but now it has become something that hinders her.

Madam Shen rubbed her temples, looked at her husband with a worried look, and said coldly, "Do you know what you are talking about? Xiu'er, if you dare to lie, I will not let you go, our master and apprentice. Love, but it's completely over."

   "I will never show mercy to those who hurt my relatives."

  Rong Xiuer was ashamed, angry, embarrassed and sad, she nodded with tears in her eyes: "Xiuer, Xiuer dare not lie to Master"

   A sneer flashed in Master Shen's eyes, don't you dare? How many lies did she tell today?

   "You say it, word by word, explain it to me clearly."

  Rong Xiu'er calmed down and said in a low voice, "Master, Master, do you still remember Yu San'er?"



"It's him," Rong Xiu'er said, "Xiu'er accidentally saw him on the way back to his hometown. At that time, he was ill, and because his money was stolen, he was almost kicked out by the shopkeeper of the inn. It was Xiu'er who saved him. He, he told Xiu'er about it. He said that only Mammy Chang knows about it now. The reason why he knew it was because Mama Yu overheard it once. When the old lady talked to Chang Momo about this, Yu Momo was so frightened that she didn't dare to tell anyone else, she just said a few words to him."

"Didn't the master suffer from a cold, fever and become seriously ill when he was a child? After that serious illness, the master forgot some things. Actually, it wasn't. Pushing the master down, the master's head slammed on the stone and he fainted with blood on the spot. Later, when the master woke up, he forgot everything, and the old lady simply made a mistake and raised the master as her own son."

"At that time, the old man passed away for more than two years, and the mansion and the clan were almost cut off, and the clan didn't know much about the mansion, so it was easy to fool the past. It's not a mansion as big as it is now, and there are few servants. The old lady first beat and warned the servants, and then quickly sold and replaced a few servants from afar."

   In this way, day after day, year after year, the lie naturally becomes the truth.

   Since the head was hit, Mr. Shen couldn't remember anything for so many years, so he naturally regarded Mrs. Shen as his biological mother.

   However, as he grew up and became more and more prosperous day by day, Mrs. Shen probably felt panic in her heart, right? For fear that one day he will remember the past.

   Therefore, she has always been afraid of the big room and doesn't want to see it, and desperately wants the second room and the third room to make a living.

   As long as the second room and the third room are more and more promising and stronger, and they are strong enough to compete with the big room, or even the big room, then she can naturally rest assured.

  Unfortunately, the second and third rooms are simply muddy and cannot support the wall!

  Master Shen used to instruct and supervise the two younger brothers when they were studying in the past, but they just didn't make progress.

   (end of this chapter)

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