Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 530: Master Shen's heart is half cold

   Chapter 530 Master Shen's heart is half cold

   When it came to the grandchildren, Shen Honglin didn't like to study, and Mrs. Shen was in a very complicated mood. In fact, she was quite happy, but unexpectedly, he broke out of another way.

   And what about Shen Hongxun? The green is better than the blue, and the talent and learning are not under his father.

   On the contrary, Shen Hongqi, who has been praised and praised by the old lady Shen as a baby since childhood, also inherited his father's IQ and ability very well, but he is also hollow-eyed and unable to support the wall.

  Old Shen Furen faces Master Shen and the big room every day, how can she feel at ease? How can it be pleasing to the eye!

   Mrs. Shen looked at Mr. Shen.

   Master Shen's heart was half cold.

   He knew, as did his wife, that there was indeed a thumb-length scar on the back of his head where the hair covered it.

   He had asked the old lady before, and the old lady only said that he was naughty wrestling when he was very young, because he was too young at that time, so he had no impression at all.

   He was always convinced.

   But listening to what Rong Xiuer said, obviously not

   And that so-called "illness", he had a high fever, and after he recovered, he couldn't remember many things in the past.

Because the old lady was very taboo about this, because the old lady was busy taking care of the sick third master and ignored him, I didn't expect him to be ill and he was so ill, so I always felt very guilty, and the old master Shen was extremely Don't mention it again, I don't want to make my mother sad.

   Over time, this incident was buried in the memory and almost forgotten.

   If Rong Xiuer hadn't talked about these things today, Master Shen would not have thought about it at all.

  If, if what Rong Xiuer said is true, then the reason why the old lady refused to let people mention this again is not because of guilt, but because of her guilty conscience.

   And, this thing is completely fake, she made it up

   Mr. Shen felt a turbulent wave in his heart, and his whole mind was rumbling and empty, and he was stunned there.

   This incident hit him both violently and unexpectedly, completely by surprise!

   Not to mention him, Da Furen Shen, like Shen Liangwei and Shen Hongxun, was equally dumbfounded and unprepared.

  No one could have imagined that it was originally about jadeite, but it turned out to be such a shocking old story.

  This matter, this matter, Shen Liangwei didn't know anything about it in her previous life, and she never knew it in her whole life.

   Thinking of this, she was especially sad and angry.

   Old lady, how dare she!

  How could she treat her father like this

   "Master" Mrs. Shen gently held Master Shen's hand, her voice trembling and her heart was trembling.

"I'm fine." Master Shen let out a deep breath and forced a smile. When he looked at Rong Xiu'er again, his eyes were a little more gloomy than usual, and he said coldly, "If what you said is true. , keep your mouth shut, I don't want half a word to be spread outside. If you want to stay in the capital, then you can stay, but from now on, it will have nothing to do with our Shen family. "

   "Now, tell me, where is Yu San'er?"

   It's impossible not to ask Yu San'er about such a big thing.

   Rong Xiuer hesitated for a moment, then whispered an address.

   Master Shen looked at Shen Hongxuan.

  Shen Hongxun said immediately, "Don't worry, Dad, I'll go find someone now, and I'll go in person."

   He glanced at Rong Xiu'er and said again: "Rong Xiu'er should put her under house arrest for the time being, don't let her run around."

   (end of this chapter)

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