Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 546: From now on, no more

   Chapter 546 From now on, there will be no connection

   The more she thought about it, the more frightened Mrs. Shen became. Her eyes darkened, her chest hurt and blocked. She gasped for breath, and suddenly her eyes rolled over and she fainted.

   Mrs. Shen stood in front of her cold face, a silver needle flashed in her hand, two needles went down, Mrs. Shen groaned in pain, and woke up leisurely.

   As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw the bright silver needle in Da Furen Shen's hand, and her scalp was numb and frightened.

   But when she met Da Furen Shen's icy gaze, she avoided it subconsciously, and didn't even dare to stare at it.

"Have you thought about it clearly?" Master Shen helped Madam Shen to sit down and looked at the old lady Shen who was slumped on the soft couch, her face pale and panting, "I will disclose my identity and correct my past mistakes one by one. , split the family. You can rest assured, you are my first-mother, I recognize this, I will give you the silver for the old age, but it is limited to that."

   From now on, there will be no other connection.

  The second room, the third room and the big room are no longer connected.

   Madam Shen, Shen Hongxun and Shen Liangwei did not object to what Master Shen said.

  Although, I still feel that the old lady is cheap.

   But getting such a result is already the best.

   Besides, it will be a long time in Japan. Without the protection of the big house, it is easy to imagine how the second and third rooms will live.

   Wouldn't it be too cheap to kill them with one knife? It is necessary to cut the flesh with a dull knife like this, and make them suffer a little bit, so that the hatred in their hearts can be relieved.

   Old Shen Furen finally panicked, but in an instant, her energy seemed to have been taken away by more than half.

The strength that used to be arrogant and majestic, and she did not know when it was all gone, and now she was looking old, with folds on her face, gray hair, and haggard complexion. Madam makes no difference.

The old lady Shen sold out miserably, looked at Grandpa Shen with tears on her face and said, "Boss, I won't say much about the other side, but how can being a concubine be compared to a heir? Don't be impulsive. Don't think about yourself, I have to think about Hongxun and Wei girl too! Where is there any unresolved hatred between us? It's kind of me to hide it from you! If it wasn't for me, would you be where you are today? As for Wei girl's words , that's not the case, how old is she this year? How can you trust the words of a child's family? You can't believe that set of rhetoric and come to suspect me. I have raised her for so many years, is it all false?"

  Shen Liangwei gave her a mocking look, but didn't speak.

   There is no need to explain, her parents are not confused, now everything is clear, what should be believed and what should not be believed in them.

   "We believe Wei Er, she is our daughter and our closest person, and will not lie to us."

Master Shen said slowly: "If it wasn't for you to raise one, do you think I would let you and the second and third rooms go so easily? I was originally my father's son, you are the first-in-class mother, shouldn't you raise me? "

   As a son, he must honor his mother.

   This is all right and proper.

   But the old lady played too dirty and poisonous, which changed everything.

   "I'd rather be a concubine."

   These words were like the last straw that broke the camel's back. Mrs. Shen cried bitterly and was speechless.

   She has no choice

   Mr. Shen took a deep breath and said coldly, "It's better to choose a day than to hit the sun. Today, let's make this public."

   (end of this chapter)

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