Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 547: How is this going

   Chapter 547 What's going on

   "I'll make everything clear, you just need to admit it. Don't worry, I won't mention anything about Yuma."

   That old thing was the nanny chosen by the old lady for Wei Er. Needless to say, Wei Er was estranged from her husband and wife, and that old thing contributed greatly.

   The dog bites the dog between them and killed people. It's a matter between them. Master Shen will not be so kind to "seek justice" for Yu Ma.

   Old Shen Furen had no room for bargaining at all, so she had to admit it with a gray face.

   Mr. Shen ordered someone to call the people from the second and third rooms.

  The second and third rooms don't even know what happened.

  The third room is just that, the second room is still resentful because of the jadeite thing, and Mrs. Shen scolded and shouted that she would severely punish Shen Liangwei to uphold her family style.

   She just couldn't get enough of her anger, and she didn't know where the confidence came from. Perhaps the grandson was unwilling to become a granddaughter.

   As if Shen Liangwei made her have no grandchildren.

  As a result, when they stepped into the Fuanyuan and saw such a situation, Qiqiang was dumbfounded.

   Mr. Shen didn't know why, so he asked confidently: "Brother, what did you say and do to your mother? What's going on here!"

   As long as anyone with eyes can see, Old Shen Furen's state is not right at all, very wrong.

  In the past, Mr. Shen Er, as the preferred son of Mrs. Shen, seemed to be Mrs. Shen's spokesperson. He had no good feelings for this eldest brother who was jealous and envied by his mother's influence.

   bossy as if he were the big brother.

  However, today, the situation seems to be a little wrong. Big brother listened to him, why is this expression?

   There are also big houses, why is this expression too.

   Master Shen withdrew his gaze and sneered silently.

Shen Hongxun has long seen the second and third rooms not pleasing to the eye, but because he is a family, he is not good at handing too hard, otherwise his father will not turn a blind eye but teach him a lesson .

   But now it is different.

   Where is the need to get used to them now?

  Shen Hongxun smiled coldly, and said everything in a leisurely manner. Not only did he say it, but he also said it in a particularly direct and sharp way.

   After listening to a few sentences, everyone in the second and third rooms opened their eyes and opened their mouths and stood there stupidly, without asking, they knew that their minds must be blank.

  Shen Hongxun said more and more cheerfully, and his words became more and more sharp.

   Mr. Shen Er angrily denied: "Impossible! Impossible! This is not true!" Shen Hongxun was so calm that he just pretended not to hear it, and continued to say what he should say in a leisurely manner.

   Mr. Shen and others were expressionless.

   Everyone in the second and third rooms reacted at once, and it was like an explosion in an instant.

   Everyone was dazed and panicked.

   Master Shen Er and Master Shen looked at Mrs. Shen and tried to get her to refute, but Mrs. Shen lowered her eyes and said nothing.

   Mrs. Shen was also frightened, she never expected such a thing to happen!

   At this time, where did she remember how to find a big house to settle accounts and severely punish Shen Liangwei?

   Can Dafang spare them? Without the big house, what would they be sour.

   "Even if the old lady is not biological, the old lady is also the mother--"

   "Second Aunt, are you deaf or can't understand human speech?"

   (end of this chapter)

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