Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 564: she never imagined

   Chapter 564 She never imagined

Chun Ying and the other girls didn't know where they were going, and they didn't know if they avoided them intentionally or unintentionally, but Shen Liangwei looked around subconsciously, which made Xiao Jingyu chuckle, her arms tightened, and she lowered her eyes and said: " Let's go!"

He was almost talking to her ear, the hot breath touched his cheeks, his hair swept across his face, itchy, his voice was low and hoarse, magnetic and sultry, and the tinge that came from him The masculine aura that belonged to him also rushed over so inadvertently, lingering around the nose, Shen Liangwei suddenly felt an unfamiliar numbness spread all over her body, her legs softened, "Oh!" Dangerously fall.

   "Weier!" Xiao Jingyu subconsciously clasped her waist firmly, "What's the matter?"

   Wherever his palm reached, it instantly became hot even through the clothes, Shen Liangwei's face became hot like fire, she wanted to brush his palm away, but she was powerless.

   "No, it's nothing." Shen Liangwei's voice was as low as a mosquito's groan, but her face became more and more feverish, and her ears were flushed. Don't open your eyes and dare not look at him.

   She never imagined that she would be so unsatisfactory.

Xiao Jingyu seemed to be aware of her powerlessness. After all, he was holding her like that, she was leaning softly on his body, and her breathing seemed to be a little messy. Looking down again, with the bright moonlight, nothing could help her. escape his gaze.

  Xiao Jingyu's thin lips hooked, the corners of his lips were raised high, and his black eyes were full of smiles.

  Weier is embarrassed. It can be seen that she is not the only one who loves Acacia. She must also like her very much in her heart.

   "It's my king, isn't it, I'm tired of Wei'er!" Xiao Jingyu suddenly said with a chuckle.

  Shen Liangwei was stunned for a moment, and she was a little confused about what he meant by this, and she raised her eyes to look at him with a puzzled "Huh?"

   Suddenly, her feet were empty, she let out a low "Ah!", and wrapped her arms around his neck subconsciously, only to realize later that she was being spanked by him.

   Xiao Jingyu looked down at her, smiled and kissed her hot face, "This will be faster, don't be afraid, no one will see."

  Shen Liangwei's face turned red and hot, and she simply nestled in his arms and didn't make a sound.

   It's not appropriate to say anything anyway.

  Xiao Jingyu smiled happily and strode out of the gate of Shen's house with her in his arms.

   The two got on the carriage, he still held Shen Liangwei and refused to let go. Shen Liangwei struggled subconsciously, but it didn't work, and it was not easy to get too close to him, so he just gave up after thinking.

   Xiao Jingyu laughed and talked to her as if nothing had happened, Shen Liangwei's heart gradually settled down, and after thinking about it again, she was secretly amused.

  The two have already passed the road before their parents. Although they have not made it public, they are considered their own. This is the sweetheart that they want to accompany for the rest of their lives. What else is there to be hypocritical? So it gradually settled down.

  The carriage drove all the way through the bustling and lively market, and gradually became quiet again. After a while, the carriage stopped, and Xiao Jingyu held her hand and hugged her to get off.

  Shen Liangwei was stunned when she looked at the tall and majestic buildings in the middle of the moonlight, the buildings extending from the ridges and the various flowers and trees, and looked at Xiao Jingyu: "This, where is this?"

   Xiao Jingyu chuckled: "This is the mansion of this king."

   Shen Liangwei was taken aback.

   His mansion? Has he brought himself to the house?

   (end of this chapter)

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