Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 565: Inexplicable, and a little sweet

   Chapter 565 Inexplicable, and a little sweet

   His mansion? Has he brought himself to the house?

The corners of Xiao Jingyu's lips were slightly sarcastic, and he said: "Uncle Huang treats this king very well, and these superiors will never treat this king badly. This king's mansion is more than half the size of the mansion of Xiao Jinghuai, Xiao Jingye and the other brothers, and the location is absolutely perfect. It’s beautiful and the scenery is excellent, not only is there a vast lake in the back garden, but there is also a hill by the lake, a pavilion on the top of the hill, and a dozen osmanthus trees planted by the previous owner.”

"The owner in front will enjoy it, presumably because of the Mid-Autumn Festival, whether it is to admire the high moon in the mountain or the moon shadow in the water, it can be both. Now it's cheaper for this king and Wei Er. Does Wei Er want to climb the mountain or not Touring the lake? Or, this king will accompany you to walk around the garden? In the future, you will also be the hostess of this mansion.”

  Shen Liangwei heard his last sentence suddenly mentioning himself, and couldn't help his face get hot, and whispered: "You don't, don't say that"

The    character has not been written yet, what kind of hostess is not a hostess, it really makes people feel a little embarrassed to hear.

   However, inexplicably, there is still a little sweetness.

  Shen Liangwei couldn't help but quietly raised her eyes, and she quickly glanced at Xiao Jingyu out of the corner of her eyes, thinking to herself, why didn't she know before? I don't know that His Royal Highness the King of War has such a Pi Lai temperament.

   Xiao Jingyu caught her gaze very keenly, and also tilted his head to look at her generously, his eyes met, Xiao Jingyu smiled, but Shen Liangwei hurriedly closed his eyes, even more embarrassed.

  Xiao Jingyu laughed happily, holding her hand and said softly, "How about we go up the mountain? This king has never gone up the mountain to admire the moon, and this is the first time. Let's also enjoy the scenery of the high mountain and the small moon."

  Shen Liangwei glanced at the hill, a corner of the eaves was vaguely visible on the top of the mountain, and at the foot of the hill was hugging the lake, and the moon was surrounded by the mountain.

   Xiao Jingyu adjusted her cloak for her, took her hand and said with a smile, "Let's go up here."

  This hill doesn't look high, but that's how mountain climbing is. The mountain road twists and turns. No matter how low the mountain is, it is still a mountain, and it is not so easy to walk.

  The two walked up the steps holding hands, the moon was shining brightly in the sky, and the flowers and trees on both sides of the steps and the mountain road could be seen clearly.

  The clear moonlight gives them a different kind of beauty. The projections of the branches fall on the ground. Shanshan is lovely, like coral water plants, and people walk in them like swimming fish, which is not interesting.

  It is already autumn, and the insects in the grass seem to be a lot quieter. Sometimes they sound, long and long, or clear or low, without feeling the noise, but it makes people feel more clean and quiet.

  The birds perched on the branches are occasionally startled by some movement, flapping their wings from one branch to another, making a loud and pleasant chirping, adding a little unexpected agility to this quiet mountain forest.

   Xiao Jingyu held Shen Liangwei's hand, tilted his head and comforted softly: "Don't be afraid, this king is here."

   Shen Liangwei warmed her heart, nodded lightly, raised her lips and smiled: "This is your house, I'm not afraid."

   His house, and around him, must be a safe enough place.

   Xiao Jingyu's black eyes were full of smiles, and there were gentle ripples and tenderness.

   "Well, this king's mansion is Wei'er's mansion. In my own home, I really won't be afraid, but this king said something wrong!"

   (end of this chapter)

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