Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 572: she really dared to think

   Chapter 572 She really dared to think

Shen Liangyue's eyes flickered slightly, and she changed her face and hurriedly begged again: "Second sister, second sister, I beg you, can you help me? Yes! Help me!"

   Before she could finish speaking, Shen Liangwei hurriedly reprimanded "Shut up!" and said coldly, "If you don't want to die, don't mention these words in the future!"

   She really dared to think

   Shen Liangwei didn't understand, where did she get her confidence and confidence?

   Shen Liangyue wanted to say more, but Shen Liangwei simply ordered: "Gag her mouth."

   never looked at her again, turned and left.

   Mrs. Shen was already waiting for her in the carriage, and she smiled and waved when she saw her.

  Shen Liangwei got in the car and sat down with the wheels rolling and set off immediately.

   "Girl Yue, is this crazy? She doesn't know how to ride and shoot, and I haven't seen her like this on weekdays, so why is she so stubborn?" Mrs. Shen sighed, she was really puzzled.

   Mrs. Shen didn't ask Shen Liangwei what happened to Shen Liangyue, she had nothing to do with her.

   Shen Liangwei's heart is clear, but it's not easy to say this. You can't tell your mother that she has a crush on your prospective son-in-law, and maybe she wants to use it to make a fool of herself!

  Shen Liangwei smiled and said: "Every time you hunt in autumn, the noble sons of the various prefectures in Beijing will also go, maybe"

   Mrs. Shen was stunned for a moment, then suddenly returned to her senses: "This, this, she is too courageous? Dare to think about it!"

   In fact, the same rice raises a hundred kinds of people. To be honest, in every prefecture and every family, there are rich ladies who follow the rules, and there are girls who have no face and no skin.

Especially those prostitutes who were brought up by their concubines, many of them are full of scheming and coquettish thoughts, and they fell in love with any noble son, and they knew that they could not marry, and there were also bold ones. If he will make calculations, and sit in front of everyone's eyes, the man will "take advantage of himself", then he will have to give the woman's family an explanation.

  If the background and power of the male and female are similar, or the difference between the female is so small, the male can only hold his nose and marry the female as the main wife.

  If the two families are too far apart, and the woman can't reach the man's main room even if she takes a horse, then she can only give the man as your concubine.

   It's not that Mrs. Shen looks down on people, to be honest, with Shen Liangyue's identity, even if she really asks her to figure out which of the powerful and noble sons, that is, to be a concubine.

  No, I'm afraid. Not even a concubine!

   So, what is the picture?

Shen Liangwei smiled: "I just guessed like that, maybe I guessed wrong. Besides, I have already asked someone to hold her, and I will send her back there after half an hour, and she will not be able to make trouble. what's up."

   Mrs. Shen sighed.

   Old Mrs. Shen is extremely hateful, and the second and third rooms are also very annoying, but Shen Liangyue is still a little girl, and she is innocent.

  It's a pity that this child named Xue's couple has been abandoned, and his temper has been crooked, and it is hopeless. Otherwise, if you are the first aunt yourself, it will be fine to help.

   However, with Shen Liangyue like this now, Mrs. Shen would never dare to mess with her.

   That is the bane.

   Mrs. Shen looked at Shen Liangwei with a smile on her lips, and her eyes became kind.

  It's still her Wei Er, fortunately. Her Wei Er has been by the old lady's side for so many years, although she had been confused for so many years, fortunately, now she has come to her senses

   (end of this chapter)

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