Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 573: Just thinking about it made her heart skip a beat.

   Chapter 573 Just thinking about it, she couldn't help but be startled

   Mrs. Shen felt fortunate and emotional, and she was afraid of breaking out in a cold sweat.

   She couldn't help thinking secretly, if, if her Wei girl never woke up from the beginning to the end, then, what can I do, then what will happen to the big room?

   Just thinking about it made her heart skip a beat!

   Mrs. Shen couldn't help but hug Shen Liangwei into her arms and patted her gently: "Don't talk about them, mother, as long as you and your brother are all well, the mother next to you doesn't care about anything."

  Shen Liangwei smiled and rubbed her intimately, "I want my father and mother to be good too"

The    Autumn Hunting Team reunited outside the city gate, and these female relatives were at the end of the team, and the holy chariot in front had already left.

   When Shen Liangwei's mother and daughter arrived, the team of female relatives was about to set off.

The hunting ground of Daqin Qiuhun is not far from the capital, more than 150 miles away, just to make it easier for the imperial family to visit in person, and to lead the princes, grandsons and hundreds of officials to hunt together, not only for entertainment, but also as a A small military exercise.

  Because the Daqin Emperor would come every year for autumn hunting, as long as there was no special reason, this official road was built extraordinarily wide and extraordinarily flat, and it was not hard for horses and carts to drive on it.

  It is more than 150 miles away, and the road is easy to walk. Basically, you can reach it when the sun just sets in the afternoon.

   On the other side of the palace, there are already leading troops ready to deploy and arrange them properly. When they arrive at the place, they can go to their respective residences, and there is no chaos at all.

   Mr. Shen also has a fixed residence there, but now Emperor Tianyao places great importance on Mr. Shen and Mrs. Shen and his wife, so this year, he specially gave a courtyard with two entrances in the palace for their family to live in.

   This is the emperor Longen, and the servants naturally only have to accept it, so this year Shen Liangwei will live in the palace with her parents.

   Today's journey is relatively fast. When Shen Liangwei and her daughter arrived, the sky was still bright.

   A little maid in the palace led the mother and daughter to the yard where they lived, and explained a polite departure.

   Grandpa Shen, father and son were both accompanied by Emperor Tianyao, not included.

  The palace has been repaired very well because people come every year. When Emperor Tianyao valued and trusted Master Shen wholeheartedly, the courtyard he gave them to live in was naturally excellent.

  Shen Liangwei lived in the east wing of the backyard, chatted with her mother for a while, and took Chun Ying over there.

   Hunting activities usually last about seven to ten days.

   Sitting on the couch, Shen Liangwei was slightly dazed.

   Xiao Jingyu said that he has been staring at Xiao Jinghuai, this autumn hunting will have a big move, but Shen Liangwei doesn't know what he will do, even he himself said with a smile that he would act by chance.

   Shen Liangwei has no way of knowing.

  Shen Liangwei only knew that the autumn hunting this time would not be peaceful.

She believed in Xiao Jingyu and wanted Xiao Jingyu to teach the brothers Xiao Jinghuai a hard lesson. Every time she saw the brothers mentioning Xiao Jingyu, she looked resentful and disdainful, and every sentence contained deep sarcasm and hostility. , Shen Liangwei felt very unhappy.

  The next day, a grand hunting ceremony was held, and everyone was free to move around, loosening their muscles and bones, and the next day was the official hunting.

  Lu Xiuxun was already gearing up, which made Shen Liangwei and Xu Qingyun joking.

  The ladies will also play in the outfield where there are no beasts. Shen Liangwei and Xu Qingyun will naturally be with Lu Xiuxun.

   Okay, alright~~



   (end of this chapter)

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