Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 579: she doesn't believe

   Chapter 579 She doesn't believe it at all

   It was her who ruined everything that she had been happy and peaceful!

   If it wasn't for her suddenly getting closer to Master, how could Master not care less about her?

Master has clearly promised himself that he will not interfere in his own marriage again. Marrying or not marrying is up to his own will and letting himself decide. Why did he mention the marriage again when he first came back? If there is no Shen Liangwei here, She doesn't believe it at all!

   used to show off in front of Shen Liangwei, intentionally or unintentionally, to express how much Master valued and loved her so much that she liked to make Shen Liangwei leave with a gloomy face and angrily. How happy and happy she is now.

   Shen Liangwei doesn't like her, and she doesn't like Shen Liangwei either. This is a tacit secret between the two of them.

  Although they never quarreled in front of others, they both knew how much they hated each other.

   After Shen Liangwei got close to Master, Rong Xiuer would not believe it if she said that she would not speak ill of herself in front of Master.

Shen Liangwei listened to her furious and natural questioning, looked at the unmistakable hatred on her face, and looked at her in surprise, "What are you talking about? Why can't I understand? I'm arguing with you for my mother? Hehe , that's my mother, do I need to fight with you? I'm close to my mother, this is the right thing to do, Miss Rong, I really don't understand, what qualifications do you have to ask me here! You are my mother My apprentice, it’s just an apprentice!”

   "You—" Rong Xiuer was so angry that she couldn't spit out an old blood in her heart, she couldn't swallow, she stared at Shen Liangwei but wanted to eat her.

   Shen Liangwei's eyes are really indescribable.

   She knew that Rong Xiuer was worried that if she returned to her mother's side, her mother would dilute her favor, but she never imagined that she would be so paranoid.

"Because of this, you used the jade design to harm me? You are a practitioner of medicine. My mother has always valued medicine more than medical skills. Hasn't she taught you? In her eyes, every human life is precious, you Knowing that the consequences of Jade's big belly are unimaginable, you actually did it. My mother's teaching shows that you didn't take it to heart at all. Just like you, I also delusionally think that my mother will love you and love you? Even if not Sooner or later, my mother will see through your true colors and will never like you again."

   "Shut up! If it wasn't for you, would I have done that!"

"Your words are ridiculous. When I went back to my mother, my third brother didn't say anything, so you have no reason to be jealous. Besides, it's not just that," Shen Liangwei snorted lightly, took two steps forward, and lowered her voice: "Others don't know, but don't think that I don't know what you're thinking. You don't want to get married, do you? As long as my father and my mother, and the second room quarreled about this, it would naturally disappear. No one can take care of your marriage anymore."

   Rong Xiu'er's heart skipped a beat, and her expression changed. She subconsciously had a bad premonition in her heart, and looked at Shen Liangwei with some doubts.

  Shen Liangwei's gaze was a little dignified, which inexplicably made her tremble—

   I just heard Shen Liangwei say lightly: "You like my father, don't you? You want to marry my father and be my aunt"

  "You—" Rong Xiuer was frightened and frightened. She wanted to reprimand Shen Liangwei, "You are talking nonsense!", but the word "nonsense" was dumbfounded by Shen Liangwei's mocking eyes, and she didn't say it.

   (end of this chapter)

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