Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 580: she's really happy

   Chapter 580 She is really lucky

   Rong Xiu'er sneered, knowing that since she couldn't hide it from Shen Liangwei, she could not hide it, she gritted her teeth and said, "So what? Lord Shen is so, so good, I, I just, just like—"

   "Shut up!" Shen Liangwei didn't expect her to be so shameless and shameless, so she yelled at her angrily, feeling nauseated.

   She is really glad that her parents didn't know about Rong Xiuer's thoughts!

   Even she can't stand it. If her parents knew about it, she would be more disgusted.

Seeing her reaction like this, Rong Xiu'er felt a strange sense of pleasure in her heart, she simply broke the jar, "I just like it, why not? Master is so busy, there is no one to take care of, Master Shen. It's also cruel. No one can take care of Lord Shen more carefully than me. I stay by Lord Shen's side, and I won't argue with Master for anything. You are all your own people, and you know the bottom line. What's wrong? Why. Why do you have to marry me! Why do you have to force me to marry someone I don't like!"

"No one is forcing you to marry someone you don't like," Shen Liangwei said coldly: "It's you who want to marry someone you can't or shouldn't marry. You can say such shameless words in front of me today. Come, you can see how shameless you are. My father and my mother are deeply in love, and they are in harmony. How can a person with high morals and integrity like my father like you? "

  Shen Liangwei held a proud posture, raised her chin with pride and contempt: "Just you? A clown jumping on the beam with a dirty mind, you are not worthy of my father's shoes! My mother's shoes are not worthy of it!"

   "Shut up! Shut up!" Rong Xiuer's face turned pale and her body shook, staring at Shen Liangwei in embarrassment and shame, her eyes beating with crazy flames.

   Shen Liangwei's words were simply stabbing her heart with a knife, accurate and ruthless.

   "I really like it -- I admire Lord Shen, I really admire him. I can give everything for him, and I'm willing to do anything for him. Why am I not worthy, why am I not worthy."

Shen Liangwei is really incomprehensible. After Rong Xiuer came to her home, although she was not close to her parents at that time, she also knew that her mother treated Rong Xiuer very well, took care of her in everything, and even taught her to study medicine. .

   It can be said that there is nothing more than this for his biological daughter.

   However, Rong Xiuer did not have such deep respect and gratitude for her, but had such crazy feelings for her father, who had not had much contact with her, which was very mysterious.

   "I think you're crazy!" Shen Liangwei said coldly.

  Rong Xiu'er smiled miserably, and the giggle was cold and strange, making people feel embarrassed.

  Yeah, she's just crazy. But she can't control it, what can she do?

   Every time she sees him, her eyes follow him uncontrollably, and there is an indescribable secret joy and sweetness in her heart for no reason, which makes her go crazy.

   Every time he said a word to himself, every smile he made to himself, he could reminisce about it for a long time, and he would smirk sweetly at the thought of him at night.

   The thought of his heart seemed to be on the cloud, soft and erratic, wishing that he would never touch the ground for the rest of his life.

   She just wanted this person, she just admired him, she was going crazy for her admiration.

  Shen Liangwei gave her a deep look, then turned around and was about to leave.

   (end of this chapter)

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