Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 585: This king will show you a good show today

   Chapter 585 This King will show you a good show today

  Shen Liangwei didn't notice for a while, and didn't know where he ran to at this moment!

  The hunting grounds are very broad, and she is alone in it, and she feels a little uneasy wherever she sees the wind and grass.

   was hesitating and struggling with a headache, and suddenly heard Xiao Jingyu's gentle voice with a smile: "Weier!"

  Shen Liangwei suddenly heard the sound of heaven, and before she turned to look at him, the corners of her lips were already raised, and her eyes were sparkling.

   "My lord! Great, you are here!"

   Xiao Jingyu stepped forward, carried her off the horse, and said with a smile, "This king is here for you, and this king will show you a good show today."

  Shen Liangwei: "."

In the    hunting ground, there are hunting competitions full of power and pursuit. In a valley with complex terrain, two hunting teams meet unexpectedly.

   The two sides looked at each other and laughed in unison.

   "It just so happened, I didn't want to meet my cousin!"

   "Hehe, it's a coincidence!"

   The two cousins ​​smiled and greeted politely, rolling their eyes with contempt in their hearts.

   That's right, it's Xiao Jingyu and Xiao Jinghuai.

Xiao Jinghuai has always been much more perfect than Xiao Jingye when it comes to face-saving skills. Although he has a little bit of hatred and jealousy towards Xiao Jingyu in his heart, it may even be more and deeper, but whenever the two meet in front of people At that time, the smile on Xiao Jinghuai's face and the politeness and friendliness in his tone would be praised by anyone who saw him.

   Unlike Xiao Jingye, Xiao Jingye never hides his jealousy and disgust towards Xiao Jingyu, regardless of whether he is in front of or behind others. When he opens his mouth, it is either "Humph!" or "Cut!"

  In the last life, because of this, Xiao Jingyu's disgust and disgust for Xiao Jingye was naturally much stronger than for Xiao Jinghuai.

   After all, the feeling of a person is often very superficial and intuitive. It's the same reason that people who are handsome, beautiful, polite, and have a sweet smile are more likely to be favored.

   As for whether this person is a tiger with a smile on his face, whether he is a face-to-face setter, it takes time and a price to find out.

   Xiao Jingyu, who has lived for two generations, can now see through Xiao Jinghuai easily.

   In his heart, he had to sigh with emotion, even if Xiao Jingye's mother and son were favored by Emperor Tianyao again, it was not unreasonable that they lost to Xiao Jinghuai in the end.

  The two cousins ​​each took a group of people to hunt. Since they happened to meet, they had to have a polite greeting with a chat and a laugh.

The two of them were talking when suddenly they heard a woman in a red dress in the distance startled her horse, staggeringly controlling the horse under her and galloping quickly through the woods, she could vaguely hear her uncontrollable shock. cry.

Xiao Jingyu raised his eyebrows and said to Xiao Jinghuai: "I don't know whose daughter's family is too careless. If something goes wrong, this hunting ground is not a game. This king will go and see, Jinghuai, that's all. Don't pass!"

   Xiao Jinghuai didn't have the slightest interest in doing anything with him, but he just happened to meet him by accident.

   He was thinking about what excuse to find an excuse to say goodbye to. Hearing what he said, it happened to be smooth sailing, thinking that most of Xiao Jingyu was also looking for an excuse to say goodbye to him. This must be the case.

Of course he was extremely happy, and he wanted to push Xiao Jingyu down the boat, so he smiled and said, "If that's the case, cousin, let's go quickly, life is at stake, cousin is highly skilled in martial arts, and he is very capable, I believe he will definitely be able to save people. !"

   (end of this chapter)

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