Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 586: This is roasting His Royal Highness on the fire.

   Chapter 586 This is to bake His Royal Highness the King of War on the fire

  Xiao Jingyu's entourage and guards all looked a little ugly when they heard this, and some of the sons of the noble minister's family who followed also exchanged glances with some obscure eyes.

   I don’t know if it’s intentional or unintentional to say what His Royal Highness King Yong said, but whether intentional or not, it’s just roasting His Royal Highness the King of War on the fire.

  The female family looked like a young girl from a distance, and she didn't know which family she belonged to. There were no rules and no seriousness. Running around in this hunting ground must not have come out of the rules.

   Shocked, how could a horse rescue people so easily? Seeing her swaying and screaming on horseback, I'm afraid she's scared to death!

   If this is not possible, how will His Royal Highness King Zhan explain to others?

   Xiao Jingyu was not afraid at all, but instead raised his eyebrows at Xiao Jinghuai in a provocative manner, and said with a proud smile: "That's natural, under this king's hands, there has never been anyone who can't be saved! Second brother, farewell!"

   Xiao Jingyu finished speaking, shouted and rode his horse, and rushed to the front.

   His entourage, guards, and other group of sons and brothers said goodbye to Xiao Jinghuai at once, and hurriedly followed.

   Xiao Jinghuai smiled and gave each other a hand, turned the horse head and led his group to the other direction, tauntingly hooked the corners of his lips, and lowered his eyes to hide the gloating in his eyes.

   This can't be blamed on him. Although he has dug a hole, it is up to Xiao Jingyu to choose whether to jump or not.

   He must refuse to admit defeat, and he can't control himself.

  Oh, then he will take a good look at whether he has this ability.

  If you can't save people at that time, then it will be beautiful.

   Xiao Jingyu chased the woman whose mount was frightened, and a large group of people followed him in the distance. The mountain road was rugged, and the road in the hunting ground was not easy to walk, and many places were not even roads at all.

   Even though Xiao Jingyu has a lot of battle experience and rich experience, it is not so easy to catch up with the out-of-control horse in front of him safely and safely.

  Unknowingly, we go further and further.

   The people who followed behind were even more dizzy and exhausted.

  There are a lot of sincere friends with Xiao Jingyu who can't help but feel anxious. The prince is too good-faced, so he shouldn't be full of words in front of His Royal Highness King Yong. It's really hard to ride a tiger!

   Suddenly, one person changed color and said in shock: "Damn! If, if I remember correctly, there is a cliff ahead, I'm afraid something is going to happen!"


   "Ah? How dangerous is that!"

   "This—what to do!"

   "Can you remember it wrong!"

The person who screamed first vowed: "I can't remember wrong, I happened to come here by accident with a few companions the year before, and the front is really dangerous! We were still standing on the edge of the cliff at that time. When I looked down, my legs were softened."

   Everyone's expressions changed drastically, especially Xiao Jingyu's entourage guards, some of them changed their color, hurriedly pleaded guilty, whipped their mounts fiercely, and accelerated to chase after them.

   The expressions of the rest of the people also became very ugly, and they hurriedly chased after them.

   However, they were still a step too late.

The woman also seemed to have discovered the danger ahead, and screamed in shock, Xiao Jingyu couldn't care less, and immediately stood up, shouted loudly, and jumped high from the horse's back towards the woman in Qianyi Leaping away, he swung the whip out of his hand, trying to entangle her.

   (end of this chapter)

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