Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 587: How to do? how to explain

   Chapter 587 What to do? how to explain

   Who knows, it’s still a little bit worse!

   Amid the exclamations and screams of the crowd, Xiao Jingyu not only failed to rescue the woman in Qianyi, but was pulled over by her falling force, and the two fell to the cliff together.

   "Your Highness!"


   "My lord!"

  The crowd rushed forward like crazy and became a mess.

   fell, fell and sat down, his legs were soft and dumbfounded, all of them heart skipped a beat, their eyes showed panic, and they looked at each other and their minds went blank.

  Your Highness, Your Highness. Falling off a cliff? Dropped. Really, dropped?

How to do? how to explain

   "Quick, go down and look for it! Go down and look for it!"

   "That's right!" Everyone returned to their senses, and they were all talking: "Your Highness will be alright!"

   "That's right, that's right, Wang Ye has a big life, and everything will be fine!"

   "God bless, Bodhisattva bless, the lord will be well, will be well."

  The guards of the Zhan Palace have long been unable to care about others, looking for a way to go down with a gloomy face, and they have to go down if there is no way. If the lord is dead, they are all over!

   It is not only them who are worried about His Royal Highness the King of War. Several nobles and young masters of the royal family followed along with their entourage.

  Someone with a clearer mind, after discussing for a while, sent a few people to hurriedly return to the original road, and hurried back to report to Emperor Tianyao.

  The King of War had such a big incident. If he didn't report it to the emperor, and then the emperor blamed him, no one could bear the consequences.

   In fact, even now, the consequences are already very serious.

   These people were all the way with His Royal Highness War King, and they actually watched His Highness War King die- ah no, in distress, in distress, the emperor must also be reprimanded and punished.

  I hope, I hope His Royal Highness the King of War is okay.

  The guards and the sons of Zhan Wangfu quickly chased down to the bottom of the cliff, and found a deep blue and deep pool below. The pool was quite large, and the water flowed downstream.

   Everyone was overjoyed.

   "That's great! There is a water pool down here. With the king's skill, nothing will happen!"

   "Our lord is blessed and fortunate, the lord will be fine in the first place!"

   "That's right, brother, I said something wrong!"

   "What are you waiting for? You guys go down the river to search, the three of us, the three of us, look for this pool"

   Everyone's hearts were tensed again, and they didn't dare to look at each other, their hearts were tense.

   It has been so long since the prince fell, if, if he were still alive, he would definitely not be still in this deep pool.

   But, no one can guarantee, what if?

  So, we still have to look for it in this pool.

  The crowd did not dare to neglect, and soon they separated to find them.

The luck of Xiao Jingyu and Shen Liangwei was really good. On the downstream beach not far from the river, the guards found the two of them. At that time, the two fell together, and Xiao Jingyu's arm was still on the woman's back. Everyone was in a coma.

  The crowd cheered suddenly, and they were all overjoyed!

   Everyone rushed up, although the pulse was a little weak, but the person was only a little scratched, not serious.

  The woman was probably protected by the prince, and the injury was less severe.

   In any case, this life is saved.

   Suddenly, someone looked at the woman carefully, looked at everyone, and hesitated: "You, do you think this, this girl seems a little familiar?"

   Does this look familiar? Everyone looked at it carefully.

   (end of this chapter)

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