Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 597: He is not very happy to be in-law with such a person

   Chapter 597 He is not very happy to be in-law with such a person

   On the third day, Shen Hongxun told Mr. Shen and Mrs. Shen that he wanted to get married.

   The Shen family was stunned and inexplicable.

  Want to get married? When do you think you have to do it this time? I haven't seen you all busy with your sister's affairs, so don't make trouble at this time!

  Shen Hongxun said with a very serious smile: "Father, mother, I'm serious, it's not difficult, you can talk to people and let the matchmaker come to the door, and the marriage should be settled first."

   Mrs. Shen saw that he didn't seem like a lie, and asked quickly, "You—really? Whose girl do you like?"

  Although the two brothers and sisters had been together, it was a bit overwhelming, but Mrs. Shen was still very happy that her son finally had a girl he liked.

   Shen Hongxun smiled and said, "I know this girl too, she is Miss Xu of Tongchang Houfu who comes to the house from time to time to play with Wei Er."

   "It's her!" Madam Shen was stunned for a moment, and then she laughed: "Your vision is not bad, then Miss Xu is gentle, knowledgeable, and has a good character. When you marry into our family, it must be a harmonious family."

   The most important thing is that Xu Qingyun and Weier have an excellent relationship, and there will be no contradiction between the two of them.

   The more she thought about it, the happier Mrs. Shen became, and said with a smile, "This is really good! I was thinking about it at first, and I don't know what kind of girl you will look at in the future. Who knows it's her!"

   "Tongchang Marquis Mansion?" Master Shen had never met Xu Qingyun, but he knew about the Xu family of Tongchang Marquis Mansion. After thinking about it, he couldn't help frowning: "Is there really no problem with his girl?"

Tongchanghou is a useless guy who will just lie on the merits of his ancestors and wait to die. I heard that the inner house is still in chaos, which is almost like a concubine and a wife. This kind of person, Master Shen really dislikes him superior.

   Being in-law with such a person, he is not very happy.

   He never even dreamed that his son, who was always picky and had eyes above the top, would fall in love with the girl from the Marquis of Tongchang mansion.

Mrs. Shen knew him better, and when she heard him say this, she explained with a smile: "Tongchang Hou is not very good, but Tongchang Hou's wife is good, now Tongchang Hou's wife has been cured, and she is fine. She's in charge of the house. She's teaching her grown-up daughter, she's not far behind, otherwise, Wei Er won't interact with her."

He asked Shen Hong again and sighed: "You are the same child, why do you have to hurry up at this time, either sooner or later, that's all, I'll make an appointment with Mrs. Xu to have a look. If Mrs. Xu is willing, , this family affair is settled!"

   Having said that, Mrs. Shen's tone and expression were quite confident.

   Her son needs to have good looks, good character, and a promising future. I don’t know how many people are watching. Madam Xu can’t disagree.

   This matter is basically settled.

  Shen Hongxun smiled and said, "Then please mother to hurry up! This matter is settled, and my sister's matter must be soon."

   Mrs. Shen glared at him: "Are you in a hurry now?"

  Shen Liangwei quickly knew about this, and was first surprised, then delighted, and then a little apprehensive.

   She hurriedly ran to find Shen Hongxun, "Third brother, why are you so good at thinking of marrying Sister Xu? Don't fool me, I'm not a child anymore!"

  The third brother is not the kind of deliberately eventful——

   (end of this chapter)

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