Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 598: A stone in her heart fell to the ground

   Chapter 598 A stone in her heart has fallen to the ground

  The third brother is not that kind of deliberately troublesome. Now the family is worrying about his own affairs. Even if he really likes Xu Qingyun, he can't wait to let the family go to Xu's family to propose marriage at this time.

   She can't figure it out, but she thinks there must be a reason.

  Shen Hongxun laughed: "What are you talking about?"

   Seeing Shen Liangwei looking at her without blinking, she was stubborn and straightforward. Obviously, she would never give up until she gave her a clear answer.

Shen Hongxun's heart softened, some wanted to laugh and some helpless, sighed lightly: "Is Wei Er worried for Miss Xu? I really like Miss Xu a little bit, she. She's a good person, don't worry, if you get married, I will take good care of her."

   Thinking of the day at the temple, Shen Hongxun softened a little, and his eyes were not consciously stained with a smile.

   Maybe he only had a three-point favorable impression of Xu Qingyun before, and thought this girl was very interesting, so after deciding to marry her, this favorable impression quickly swelled as if fermented, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that he liked her a little more.

  Since he has decided to marry her, he will naturally treat her sincerely.

Shen Liangwei felt relieved when she heard this, the third brother in the previous life did not seem to be married, but in this life, he suddenly wanted to marry Xu Qingyun, which made Shen Liangwei both happy and a little uneasy for no reason, always worried about the fate of this marriage. Nothing will go wrong.

   I am even more worried about whether the third brother has any intentions for Xu Qingyun.

"What kind of person is the third brother, I naturally understand, and I believe in the person of the third brother more," Shen Liangwei suddenly moved in her heart, glanced at him, her eyes were a little complicated, and said in a low voice: "The third brother is proposing marriage at this time, yes. It's for me. Bar."

   Shen Hongxun was taken aback for a moment, and then he laughed: "We are really brothers and sisters, but you thought of it!"

  Shen Liangwei also smiled: "This is my business, can I think about it more?"

   This makes sense.

"Even if it's for you, it's actually for me." Shen Hongxun said softly: "Don't feel guilty, my eldest brother is not at home, I should get married, but you can't get married now, my eldest brother and I are married. Haven't the two moved yet? It's not good to say it!"

  Shen Liangwei smiled "puchi", "The third brother is willing to marry elder sister Xu, and elder sister Xu is also willing to marry the third elder brother, which is naturally the best. Otherwise—"

   "Of course I am willing," Shen Hongxun smiled, full of confidence: "I am willing, and your sister Xu will also be willing!"

   He is so good, is there any girl who doesn't like him?

   Shen Liangwei couldn't stop laughing even when she covered her mouth.

   A stone in her heart fell to the ground.

  The third brother is also really kind to her.

  The emperor was hesitant and unwilling to give marriage easily, isn't it just that he still has fear in his heart?

  The third brother married Sister Xu. It wasn't her who said that it was the same situation as Changhou Mansion. It would be good if it didn't drag down the Shen family. It was absolutely impossible to become the help of the Shen family.

   In other words, the third brother will not have a very powerful Yue family, and the Shen family will not have a very powerful help, and even with it, Xiao Jingyu's power will not increase, only decrease.

  The Shen family is showing their intentions to Emperor Tianyao.

Shen Hongxun seemed to be enlightened overnight. Originally, he didn't care about getting married at all, and there was no sign of wanting to care. As a result, once he became interested, it was as unstoppable as the old house was on fire. nonstop.

   Mrs. Shen was helpless, so she quickly made an appointment with Mrs. Xu and smiled to show her meaning.

   (end of this chapter)

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