Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 608: This time he went out on his own

   Chapter 608 He personally went out this time

   What's the use of this?

   While Xiao Jinghuai was contemptuous, he had to push Shen Liangyue again.

  He personally went out this time.

   In the evening, he wore black clothes, with a hat with black gauze hanging down to cover his face, and even a few more laps of cloth around his waist changed his figure slightly.

   quietly sneaked into Shen Liangyue's boudoir.

  Shen Liangyue suddenly saw such a person suddenly appear in the room, and almost fainted from fright.

   After listening to Xiao Jinghuai's low voice, he lobbied and bewitched, but his eyes lit up little by little, eager to try.

   In the daytime, the mind that had just been extinguished was lit up again.

   After Xiao Jinghuai left, Shen Liangyue lay down to sleep, but was so excited that she couldn't sleep at all.

   I can't wait to see the dawn until tomorrow.

Although she didn't know who that person was, the person said that he had a grudge against the big house of the Shen family and didn't want to see the big house of the Shen family courting such a good marriage as His Royal Highness Zhan Wang, just as she liked His Highness Zhan Wang. , might as well fulfill her.

  The enemy of the enemy is a friend, so he gave her an idea and was willing to help her.

  Shen Liangyue isn't particularly stupid, and she doesn't completely believe this statement, but it's hard for her to not be moved by what that person said.

  Since you can still fight for one, why not fight for it?

   She gritted her teeth and thought, even if she can't win it, don't make Shen Liangwei cheap. Why was it cheap for her?

  Shen Liangyue was so excited and excited in the first half of the night that she couldn't sleep at all, until Dongfang Jibai fell asleep in a daze.

   As soon as I fell asleep, I fell asleep a little too deeply, and when I woke up, it was already bright.

   She remembered what she was going to do today and got up quickly.

   After hurriedly grooming and having breakfast, she was called by Mrs. Shen again to talk. She had to listen patiently, and finally managed to cope with the third Mrs. Shen, and then she went out secretly and went to the Shen residence.

   At this time, Shen Fu was beaming with joy, and said "Congratulations!"

   Someone has just arrived in the palace, and a decree is sent to give marriage.

   A big stone in the hearts of Master Shen and his wife finally fell to the ground!

  Shen Liangwei was also greatly relieved, listening to the "Congratulations!", looking at the smiling faces of everyone, both sweet and shy.

   She originally thought that this matter would be difficult. After all, her family is special, and Xiao Jingyu's identity is also special. It is really not that easy for two people to have a smooth engagement and marriage.

  Tian Yaodi would not agree.

   He will be afraid.

  However, Xiao Jingyu did it, followed the trend, and the dust settled so quickly.

  Emperor Tianyao not only had no fear, but also gave them marriage!

   This is the marriage that he personally bestowed on him. As the Son of Heaven, Jinkou Yuyan said that in the future, he will not even be able to go back and say bad things.

   When Shen Liangwei thought of Xiao Jinghuai, she felt even more happy and wanted to laugh.

   Xiao Jinghuai doesn't know what's going on in this life, but it's unfortunate enough. Every time he wants to do something, he can't get his wish. On the contrary, he has to shoot himself in the foot!

   He hated Xiao Jingyu so much, and when he learned about this, he was afraid that he was going to explode.

   Just when the Shen family was rejoicing and sending out rewards, Shen Liangyue came.

  Shen Liangyue went out today, specially picked out a set of lavender clothes embroidered with white flowers, very clean and elegant, with a silver hairpin, jade hairpin and two small pink silk flowers on the bun, the whole person looked slender and pitiful.

   (end of this chapter)

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